Even people with good credit struggle to get approved for a car loan in Victoria, BC. They often get declined over a few hundred dollars. If you get turned down with a traditional loan provider, all you get is a “No.” You won’t receive any information to work with, like how much you could get approved for. Knowing what’s preventing your approval could save a lot of time.
There’s an old saying that banks will only give a car loan to those who don’t need it. But Canada Drives is a different type of lender. We believe that finding the right car finance should be easy, and based on matching what you want with what you can afford.
We pride ourselves on our ability to get customers approved for new and pre-owned vehicles, regardless of their credit situation. We know that not everyone has perfect credit, and that’s okay. If you’re like many Canadians, you may have had a late payment or two in the past that’s making it hard to get approved for your next car loan. Don’t worry, no matter what your credit situation is, we make getting a car loan easy.
It’s simple. We start by getting you approved for financing through our quick online application. We then match you up with a certified dealership on Vancouver Island that specializes in approving car loans.
While most dealerships in Canada aren’t equipped to handle customers with less than perfect credit, our dealership partners can handle any credit situation. We take the guesswork out of car shopping by giving you vehicle options that you’re pre-approved for. You’ll spend zero time at the bank, zero time jumping from dealership to dealership, and more time driving a car you love.
To find options within your limit, fill out a secure online application, it’s fast, easy and takes less than 2 minutes. It’s free to apply, and there’s no obligations or strings attached.
The good news is that our financing specialists are experts at getting past these hurdles, and your credit will start to recover after consistent monthly car payments.
"Not only did they help us get into a newer vehicle but they are helping us rebuild our credit...I would recommend them to anyone with less than stellar credit who is looking for a newer vehicle.” - Stephanie
Once you complete our 2-minute application, we’ll match you with a dealership in Victoria that can handle all credit situations. And we don't just serve Victoria, BC. Canada Drives can find the right car for you no matter where you live on Vancouver Island.
At Canada Drives, we believe that the loan application process should be seamless. Most of your time can be spent browsing options that fit what you want, and what you can afford.
There are a few simple steps involved in applying for auto financing:
Preparing For Your Bad Credit Car Loan: You’ll need to determine what kind of car you want, and what your budget and credit allow. You can use our Auto Financing Calculator to figure out your monthly payments.
Filling Out The Application: We’ll ask you for some basic information such as employment and contact details. We do not need your Social Insurance Number (SIN).
Matching You With A Dealer: Once you’ve completed the first two steps, we can match your application with a certified dealer in Victoria that can help determine vehicle options and the amount that you’re able to pay monthly. Once we’ve matched your application with a partner, a dealer will reach out to you.
Join thousands of Canadians who didn't let their bad credit history win. Apply online for a car loan in minutes, and get approved within 24 hours.