It is essential to have reliable transportation in Peterborough, Ontario. Whether you’re commuting to Oshawa, or eastern Toronto or heading out to cottage country on the weekend we understand that not having a vehicle simply isn’t an option.
Canada Drives recognizes that everyone needs a good vehicle and that having a poor credit history or a limited credit history can’t get in the way.
We have programs for people in situations like: Consumer Proposal, Bankruptcy, Missed Payments, Collections, Divorce, R9s, Repossessions and many others.
We have vehicles from manufacturers such as: Toyota, Ford, Honda, GM, Dodge, Chevy, Hyundai, Nissan and Chrysler and many others.
We Finance Your Future not Your Past – we understand that with the volatile Canadian economy, combined with the curve balls life can throw you, that it’s very easy for your credit to get off course. We understand that everyone deserves a second chance and work with lenders who will see past some credit blemishes and get you driving that great next vehicle in no time!