Where should a person start when they want to get financing, but know they have no credit or even bad credit. Well you can go to your local bank or walk into the door of a dealership maybe you’ll get lucky. Chances are though that you’ll end up spending a fair amount of time, and leave frustrated without a vehicle.
When you apply online with Canada Drives you have the comfort of knowing your information is secure as a vehicle finance specialist works to get you your next vehicle.
We work by pairing bad credit customers from Owen Sound with a local licensed dealership that specializes in dealing with poor credit customers. We use our industry knowledge and combine it with great inventories to make sure that you not only get a great vehicle, but a great payment as well.
Our fast, easy and secure online application allows you to figure out your vehicle options from the comfort of your own home. Once you are happy with the options the dealer has for you, then it’s time to go in and view and test drive vehicles before making a deal. Most of our affiliate dealers also have to-the-door delivery service as well.
We work with Canadians from all over the country. Here are just a few of the other communities near Owen Sound we serve:
Meaford, ON Wiarton, ON Thornbury, ON Markdale, ON Chesley, ON |
Southampton, ON Durham, ON Port Elgin, ON Paisley, ON Hanover, ON |
Collingwood, ON