Getting a loan in Canada shouldn't be difficult. Most people run into financial straits every now and again. Unfortunately, banks make it hard to get approved for a loan, especially if you have a less-that-stellar credit history. You might be tempted by quick cash lenders, but these lenders prey on customers by charging enormous interest rates.
Fortunately, there are some trustworthy lenders you can count on. Canada Drives work with all Canadians facing all kinds of credit situations to help them get approved as soon as today.
Canada Drives does the leg work for you. If you have bad or no credit you probably know how frustrating it can be to try to get approved for a loan in Canada. The major lending institutions are focusing on customers with good credit and most dealerships are not equipped to help the wide variety of credit situations that exist in Canada.
With a large network of prime and non-prime lending partners, we can help you get pre-approved for a great financing rate with good or bad credit.
Applying online is free and it only takes three minutes. After you apply, we'll send your approval terms. There is zero obligation to buy a car. If you don’t find something that works for you – simply walk away. Furthermore, our pre-approval service won't impact your credit score. On the other hand, one of our car loans can help you build credit!
We know how important reliable transportation is. We want to give all Canadians an opportunity to rebuild their credit even if they’ve struggled in the past.
Apply online and take the next step towards a new car in Canada today!
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Ready to get pre-approved? Start your application today! It only takes 3 minutes to complete and you could be driving your new car in as little as 48 hours!