Trying to find a loan can be tricky if you’ve missed a few payments in your past. Car loans for people with bad credit shouldn’t be that hard to get. Luckily, we make it easy!
We are your destination in Edmundston, New Brunswick for car loan approvals and bad credit car loans. For a hassle-free loan application, give us a call or apply today.
We help by offering a lengthy and detailed application which provides us with all of the information needed to get you approved. Rather than looking at your past, we look at your current situation to see if a car loan is suitable. When the banks won’t help, we work with the most agressive private lenders to get you driving.
We have helped people in almost every bad credit situation possible and there probably isn’t a scenario we haven’t seen. The most common mistakes that cause bad credit are late payments and missed payments. Sometimes we forget how important it is to pay every single bill on time. Late payments can result in closed accounts, written off credit cards and even collections.
If you’ve had credit trouble in the past and would like to rebuild your credit driving a great vehicle, apply today!
We help customers all over New Brunswick, but we focus on the Edmundston, New Brunswick area. We offer free delivery to the following areas (if you don’t see your town, just call):
Lac Baker, NB
Edmundston, NB
Niviere-Verte, NB
Violette Brook, NB
Grand Falls, NB
Drummond, NB
Perth-Andover, NB
Nictau, NB
Riley Brook, NB
Blue Mountain Bend, NB
Two Brooks, NB
Everett, NB
Oxbow, NB
Burntland Brook, NB
Sisson Brook, NB
Don’t let shopping get you down. Apply today and get into the car of your dreams. We are your experts for getting a car with no credit or bad credit. Our dedicated staff will work hard, so you don’t have to. Car loan approvals are easy when you apply at the right place. If you live in Edmundston, call us first!