Our goal is to ensure that you are able to obtain the vehicle financing that you need. The reality is that not all people have good credit, which means that walking into a bank and leaving with a car loan may not be a realistic scenario for many. With bad credit, it can be extremely challenging to secure a loan through traditional channels. When you apply, Canada Drives will connect you with lenders that can help you find, and start driving, a new vehicle.
We have already helped tens of thousands of Canadians by building and maintaining a large network of dealer partnerships in every region of Canada. This enables us to seek out the best car loan options for you. Here is a brief on all of your bad credit car loan basics:
In the first stage of our process, we have you pick a vehicle type. By indicating which type of car you are looking to finance, we are able to find dealers that have this particular kind of vehicle in their inventory. It is important to note that by selecting a certain vehicle at this stage of the process; you will not be locked into purchasing this model. However, this selection helps us when we are identifying your vehicle needs.
By indicating which vehicle you are interested in, we are able to provide you with a better understanding of how much you can afford for monthly payments. If you are interested, you can use our Car Loan Calculator to determine what you can afford.
Next, you need to fill out our easy-to-use, online Car Loan Application form. During this step you are asked for some basic information. We do not require a Social Insurance Number (SIN), although we do ask for you to provide other details such as your employment, your address, and your contact details. The information that you provide during this step helps us determine which vehicle will fit within your budget. As we assess this, it may be necessary to contact you directly to gather some additional information in order to move forward with your application. When we evaluate your financial parameters and personal vehicle needs, we are able to paint a clearer picture for which vehicle will be a good choice for you moving forward.
After the first two stages are complete, we are then able to match your application with a certified dealer partner who is able to discuss your vehicle options and the amount that you are able to dedicate towards your monthly payments. After we have matched your application with our partner, you can then expect to be contacted by the dealer who is in the best position to offer you a suitable vehicle agreement.
At Canada Drives, we believe that having bad credit should not interfere with your specific financing needs. We are highly committed to offering you a simple approach to obtain your loan that works to keep the process of getting a vehicle straightforward and stress-free.