$112.50 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$56.25 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$112.50 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family\u003Cbr />\u003Cbr />The rural supplement is:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>$45 for an individual\u003Cbr />$22.50 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$11.25 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$22.50 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>Saskatchewan\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Rebates in Saskatchewan are paid quarterly and are as follows:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The base amount for Saskatchewan is:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>$188 for an individual\u003Cbr />$94 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$47 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$94 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family\u003Cbr />\u003Cbr />The rural supplement is:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>$37.60 for an individual\u003Cbr />$18.80 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$9.40 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$18.80 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>Manitoba\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Rebates in Manitoba are paid quarterly and are as follows:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The base amount for Manitoba is:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>$150 for an individual\u003Cbr />$75 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$37.50 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$75 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The rural supplement is:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>$30 for an individual\u003Cbr />$15 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$7.50 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$15 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>Ontario\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Rebates in Ontario are paid quarterly and are as follows:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The base amount for Ontario is:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>$140 for an individual\u003Cbr />$70 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$35 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$70 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family\u003Cbr />\u003Cbr />The rural supplement is:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>$28 for an individual\u003Cbr />$14 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$7 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$14 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cdiv class=\"block-quote\">\r\n\u003Ch3>Sell your car (the easy way)\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>If you're thinking about buying something more eco-friendly, you might be looking to sell or trade your gas guzzler. Visit our online tool and \u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/sell-my-car\">get an instant offer\u003C/a> for your car today. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/div>\r\n\u003Cp> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>Quebec\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>The only other province besides BC to have its own provincial carbon tax in place, before the federal government initiated theirs in 2018, is Quebec.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Quebec has a cap-and-trade system, setting caps on emissions by industry. Companies that cannot reduce their emissions below that cap must buy credits from a carbon market shared with California. While Quebec mostly targets energy producers with its system, drivers in the Montreal area cough up a tax on gas.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The minimum price per tonne for credits varies in the province. All revenues go towards various measures to reduce carbon emissions and fight climate change. Unfortunately for those looking for a federal rebate—no luck, since Quebec does not participate in the federal plan.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cdiv class=\"block-quote\">\r\n\u003Ch4>\u003Cstrong>What is the cap-and-trade program?\u003C/strong>\u003C/h4>\r\n\u003Cp>The everyday user of greenhouse gas-emitting vehicles shouldn’t be too concerned about a cap-and-trade system because it mostly targets big polluters in industries like oil & gas. Under cap-and-trade, a regulatory body like the provincial or federal government sets a “cap” on emissions output, setting a limit to how much industry sectors are allowed to pollute each year. The government body will issue permits, allowances if you will, for industries to pollute and these can be “traded” or sold to other companies who need to emit more.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>For example, a company that emits 10 tons below its cap can trade its extra 10 allowances in the market or bank them for future use. As part of the carbon tax, the federal government is calling this an output-based pricing system where compliance obligations can be met by paying carbon pollutions price ($20/t currently) or purchasing credits from industrial facilities that beat their standard.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/div>\r\n\u003Ch3>New Brunswick\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Rebates in New Brunswick are paid quarterly and are as follows:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The base amount for New Brunswick is:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>$95 for an individual\u003Cbr />$47.50 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$23.75 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$47.50 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family\u003Cbr />\u003Cbr />The rural supplement is:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>$19 for an individual\u003Cbr />$9.50 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$4.75 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$9.50 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>P.E.I.\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Rebates in Prince Edward Island are paid quarterly and are as follows:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The base amount for Prince Edward Island is:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>$110 for an individual\u003Cbr />$55 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$27.50 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$55 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family\u003Cbr />\u003Cbr />The rural supplement is included in the above base amounts, as all residents are eligible.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>Newfoundland & Labrador\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Rebates in Newfoundland & Labrador are paid quarterly and are as follows:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The base amount for Newfoundland and Labrador is:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>$149 for an individual\u003Cbr />$74.50 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$37.25 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$74.50 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family\u003Cbr />\u003Cbr />The rural supplement is:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>$29.80 for an individual\u003Cbr />$14.90 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$7.45 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$14.90 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>Nova Scotia\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Rebates in Nova Scotia are paid quarterly and are as follows:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The base amount for Nova Scotia is:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>$103 for an individual\u003Cbr />$51.50 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$25.75 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$51.50 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family\u003Cbr />\u003Cbr />The rural supplement is:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>$20.60 for an individual\u003Cbr />$10.30 for a spouse or common-law partner\u003Cbr />$5.15 per eligible child under the age of 19\u003Cbr />$10.30 for the first eligible child in a single-parent family\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>Northwest Territories, Yukon & Nunavut\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Having implemented its territorial carbon tax in 2019, Northwest Territories will charge around \u003Ca href=\"https://www.fin.gov.nt.ca/sites/fin/files/resources/nwt_carbon_tax_rate_schedule-190905_.pdf\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">11.7 cents per litre\u003C/a> of gas this year for drivers. The offsets and rebates, however, are quite generous with a 100% rebate on home heating fuel, and a cost-of-living offset of up to $104 per adult and $120 per child.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Yukon and Nunavut signed on to the federal carbon tax plan, with Yukon collecting revenue and distributing the \u003Ca href=\"https://yukon.ca/en/carbon-rebate#rebates-for-yukon-individuals\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">rebates\u003C/a>. Rebates are in the range of $80 per individual and a little more if you live outside of Whitehorse. Nunavut covers half the carbon levy, reducing its gas price increase by half. It does not offer rebates.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>When will I get the CAI carbon tax rebate payment?\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>Are you wondering about \u003Cstrong>carbon tax rebate cheque dates\u003C/strong>? Before 2022 the \u003Ca href=\"https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-45110-climate-action-incentive.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">CAI credit could be claimed on your income tax return\u003C/a> and was automatically applied to your balance owing for the year or added to any refund you are entitled to. However, starting in mid-2022 this CAI credit has become a quarterly payment deposited on the 15th of April, July, October, and January. The deposit may show up in your online account and bank statement labelled as \u003Cstrong>\"Federal Payment\"\u003C/strong>, \u003Cstrong>\"EFT Credit Canada\"\u003C/strong>, or \u003Cstrong>\"Canada Fed\"\u003C/strong>.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>How much is the carbon tax?\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>We hear a lot about how the carbon tax is designed to go after the big polluters in various industries, but if you’re driving a conventional fuel-burning car, or heat your home using natural gas, for example, you will be paying extra too.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Under the carbon tax levy, filling up your gas tank costs 17 cents extra per litre; something to consider if you’re weighing up the costs of switching to an energy-efficient electric vehicle.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Those who heat large homes and drive frequently will be paying more under the plan. The government estimates an average yearly cost of $564 in 2022 for a household in Ontario, for example. However, with an average rebate of $697 most will end the year in the green.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>In Saskatchewan, where the temperatures are cold and the roads long, the yearly estimated cost would be higher at $946 per household. But rebates can be well over $1,000 depending on the size of your family. The average cost impact per household of the federal system can be found \u003Ca href=\"https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/climate-change/pricing-pollution-how-it-will-work/putting-price-on-carbon-pollution/technical-briefing.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">here\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>","2024-04-30","/uploads/2023/1/63d05e4f7f587.jpg","/uploads/2023/1/63d05e5053acc.jpg","/uploads/2023/1/63d05e5086a87.jpg","/uploads/2023/1/63d05e50b96ee.jpg","Factory stacks with smoke clouds in the shape of dollar signs","s3","Your Canada Carbon Rebate (formerly known as the Climate Action Incentive Payment (CAIP)), depends on the province you live in. ","",5,"2019-07-02 22:21:25","2024-04-30 13:40:32","Apr 30, 2024","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2023/1/63d05e50b96ee.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2023/1/63d05e5086a87.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2023/1/63d05e4f7f587.jpg",{"id":93,"testimonial_id":13,"score":13,"url":94,"title":95,"quote":96,"body":97,"amp_body":13,"amp_verified":13,"publish_at":98,"img_thumb":99,"img_small":100,"img_medium":101,"img_large":102,"alt_text":103,"image_source":82,"seo_title":104,"seo_description":105,"seo_keywords":84,"type_id":6,"category_id":47,"user_id":8,"author":6,"deleted_at":13,"created_at":106,"updated_at":107,"category_url":50,"category_name":48,"publish_date":108,"img_large_src":109,"img_medium_src":110,"img_thumb_src":111},625,"government-fuels-electric-vehicle-demand-with-electric-car-rebates-in-canada-and-top-affordable-electric-vehicles","How To Get Your 2024 Electric Car Rebate in Canada","Thinking about buying a new or used electric vehicle? Canada's federal iZEV and provincial rebate programs can help you save thousands of dollars. But your EV rebate all depends on the province you reside in – with some provinces offering up to and even above $10,000 in incentives.","\u003Cp>Select your province below, or continue reading to learn more about how the government’s EV rebate program works, including vehicle \u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">eligibility\u003C/span>:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cul>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#bc\">British Columbia\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#qc\">Quebec\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#nb\">New Brunswick\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#ns\">Nova Scotia\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#pei\">Prince Edward Island\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#nfl\">Newfoundland & Labrador\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#yukon\">Yukon\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#nwt\">Northwest Territories\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#ontarioalbertaother\">Ontario, Alberta, Nunavut, Saskatchewan \u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003C/ul>\r\n\u003Cp>With climate change and fuel prices constantly in the headlines, more and more drivers are thinking about the possibility of an electrified vehicle, whether it’s battery-only or a hybrid. And depending on the vehicle you’re getting and where you live, you may be eligible for EV rebates from your province, in addition to money back from the federal government.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Most of the major automakers are offering some version of an electrified vehicle, or will introduce one in the near future. They’re paying close attention to a growing segment of consumers who want to go electric, whether it’s for the fuel savings, environmental concerns, or just the desire to drive something that’s technologically advanced. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The term “electrified vehicle” indicates anything that incorporates an electric motor, but they’re not all the same. Battery-powered electric vehicles (BEV) run solely on electricity. Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) are electric vehicles that make their own electricity using an onboard supply of hydrogen – but they’re very rare, since there isn’t much hydrogen refuelling infrastructure.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Hybrid vehicles (HEV) use a gasoline engine and electric motor. Most can run on gas, electricity, or a combination of the two, but they don’t get plugged in. \u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/car-guide/how-do-hybrid-cars-work-a-complete-guide\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Here's a closer look at how hybrids work\u003C/a>. Plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) are hybrids with extra battery capacity. When they’re plugged in and charged, they can run on that stored electrical power alone. Once it runs down, they revert to gas-electric operation.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Provincial and federal rebates are available on BEVs, FCEVs and PHEVs, but not on regular hybrids. Most have some restrictions, but if your car qualifies, you can potentially take a big chunk off the sticker price. We have a step-by-step guide on what you need to know to lighten your carbon load and save cash at the same time.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cstrong>EV rebates Canada\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>The Canadian government operates the Incentives for Zero-Emission Vehicles (iZEV) Program, which offers up to $5,000 in rebates when you buy or lease an eligible vehicle. The program began in 2019 and is scheduled to run until March 31, 2025, or until the available funding runs out. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The \u003Ca href=\"https://tc.canada.ca/en/road-transportation/innovative-technologies/zero-emission-vehicles/light-duty-zero-emission-vehicles/eligible-vehicles\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">iZEV eligibility price cap depends on the type of vehicle\u003C/a>. For a passenger car, the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) of the base model must be less than $55,000, while higher-priced trims of that vehicle can be eligible up to a maximum MSRP of $65,000. For pickup trucks, SUVs, minivans, special-purpose vehicles or station wagons, the base model must be $60,000 or less, while higher-priced trims are eligible up to an MSRP of $70,000. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>BEVs, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and PHEVs with a battery-only range of 50 km or more qualify for up to $5,000; while PHEVs with a range under 50 km qualify for $2,500. For leased vehicles, the full rebates apply to 48-month leases, and will be adjusted for 12-, 24- or 36-month leases, with rebates between $625 and $3,750. Only new vehicles qualify, including demonstrators (a demo vehicle that buyers can test-drive, provided the odometer reads less than 10,000 km). Consumers are eligible for one rebate per calendar year.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ctable class=\"alternate-row-shading\" style=\"text-align: center; table-layout: fixed; width: 100%; background-color: #03e8fc; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\">\r\n\u003Ctbody>\r\n\u003Ctr>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>Region\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>Maximum Rebate\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003C/tr>\r\n\u003Ctr>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>Alberta\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>$5,000\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003C/tr>\r\n\u003Ctr>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>British Columbia\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>$9,000\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003C/tr>\r\n\u003Ctr>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>Ontario\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>$5,000\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003C/tr>\r\n\u003Ctr>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>Prince Edward Island\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>$10,750\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003C/tr>\r\n\u003Ctr>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>Quebec\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>$12,000\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003C/tr>\r\n\u003Ctr>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>Manitoba\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>$5,000\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003C/tr>\r\n\u003Ctr>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>New Brunswick\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>$10,000\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003C/tr>\r\n\u003Ctr>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>Nova Scotia\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>$8,000\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003C/tr>\r\n\u003Ctr>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>Newfoundland & Labrador\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>$7,500\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003C/tr>\r\n\u003Ctr>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>Northwest Territories\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>$10,000\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003C/tr>\r\n\u003Ctr>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>Nunavut\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>$5,000\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003C/tr>\r\n\u003Ctr>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>Saskatchewan\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>$5,000\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003C/tr>\r\n\u003Ctr>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>Yukon\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003Ctd style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n\u003Cp>$10,000\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/td>\r\n\u003C/tr>\r\n\u003C/tbody>\r\n\u003C/table>\r\n\u003Cp>The table above combines the maximum federal rebate of $5,000, along with the maximum provincial/territorial rebate. The federal government’s rebate is considered “stackable” with all provincial/territorial rebates, but vehicle eligibility may differ between the federal program and some of the provincial programs.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>British Columbia\u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>British Columbia offers up to $4,000 if you purchase or lease a BEV or hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. PHEVs are eligible for up to $4,000 if their battery-only range is 85 km or more; if it’s below that, you can get up to $2,000. The eligibility price cap mirrors that of the federal government’s program, between $55,000 and $70,000. You can only apply for a rebate once, no matter how many vehicles you buy, and the exact rebate amount depends on your income. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>You can qualify for up to 50% of the cost of buying and installing a Level 2 home charger to a maximum of $350. If you buy a qualifying used BEV, PHEV or fuel cell vehicle, you won’t pay provincial sales tax on it. Here's more on the \u003Ca href=\"https://electricvehicles.bchydro.com/incentives/EV-incentives-in-BC?utm_source=direct&utm_medium=redirect&utm_content=powersmart/electric-vehicles/owning-an-electric-vehicle/rebates-and-incentives.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">BC rebates for new EVs and chargers\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>BC also offers a \u003Ca href=\"https://scrapit.ca/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">program called SCRAP-IT\u003C/a>. If you scrap your old gas-guzzling vehicle under the program, you can receive a rebate of up to $500 on a qualifying new or used BEV, or up to $400 on a new or used PHEV. If you don’t want that, you can instead get a rebate for an electric bike purchase, transit passes, car share credits, or take cash.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>Quebec\u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Quebec drivers qualify for up to $7,000 when buying or leasing a BEV or fuel cell vehicle. Depending on the size and range of the battery, PHEV rebates are up to $300, $2,500, or $5,000. You may apply for up to three vehicle rebates each year. The maximum MSRP to qualify for a rebate has increased to $65,000 from $60,000, but if you purchased or leased a vehicle prior to the increase, you may be eligible for the rebate. Quebec also offers $600 against the purchase and installation of a Level 2 home charging station. Here's more on \u003Ca href=\"https://www.quebec.ca/transports/transport-electrique/aide-financiere-vehicule-electrique/vehicule-neuf\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Quebec's new vehicle rebate\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>New Brunswick\u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Under the \u003Ca href=\"https://www.nbpower.com/en/products-services/electric-vehicles/plug-in-nb/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Plug-In NB program\u003C/a>, new BEVs are eligible for a rebate of up to $5,000, as are PHEVs with a battery range of up to 50 km. PHEVs with lower range are eligible up to $2,500. If you buy used, you can get up to $2,500 for a BEV and up to $1,000 for a PHEV. On leased new BEVs or PHEVs, the full amount of the rebate applies on 48-month leases, and is adjusted for 12-, 24- or 36-month leases. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The province’s price cap is the same as the federal government’s, with maximum MSRPs between $55,000 and $70,000 depending on the vehicle type and trim. Used vehicles must be purchased from a dealer, not bought privately, and must not have had a previous provincial rebate. The province also rebates 50% of the purchase and installation of a Level 2 home charger to a maximum of $750.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>Nova Scotia\u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>The \u003Ca href=\"https://evassist.ca/rebates/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Electrify Nova Scotia Rebate Program\u003C/a> provides rebates of up to $3,000 on BEVs and PHEVs with a range of 50 km or more, while PHEVs with lower range qualify for up to $2,000. The price cap and vehicle eligibility mirror that of the federal government’s, with maximum MSRPs between $55,000 and $70,000 depending on vehicle type and trim. Leased vehicles qualify for the entire rebate on 48-month leases, and are adjusted for 12-, 24- or 36-month leases.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Used BEVs are eligible for a $2,000 rebate, while all used PHEVs, regardless of range, qualify for $1,000. The vehicle must be purchased from a dealer and not received a rebate previously, and it must be bought, not leased. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>Prince Edward Island\u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>PEI offers a \u003Ca href=\"https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/environment-energy-and-climate-action/electric-vehicle-incentive\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">rebate of up to $5,000 for BEVs\u003C/a>, and up to $2,500 for a PHEV regardless of its range. Used vehicles qualify for the same amounts, providing their purchase price is $55,000 or less. Leased vehicles qualify for the full amount on 48-month leases, and adjusted for 12-, 24- or 36-month leases. Vehicle eligibility mirrors that of the federal government’s, with maximum MSRPs between $55,000 and $70,000 depending on vehicle type and trim. Once you have received the vehicle rebate, the provincial government will give you a Level 2 home charger, although the installation costs are your responsibility.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>Newfoundland & Labrador\u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>The \u003Ca href=\"https://takechargenl.ca/evs/choosing-an-ev/available-incentives/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">NL Hydro EV Rebate program\u003C/a> offers $2,500 for the purchase of a new or used BEV, and $1,500 for a new or used PHEV regardless of its range. Leased vehicles qualify but the lease must be a minimum of 48 months. Used vehicles must be purchased from a licenced dealer, not bought privately. There is no price cap on new or used vehicles to qualify, but the program is limited-time and rebate applications will only be accepted until March 15, 2023 or until the program fund is depleted.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>Yukon\u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Yukon offers a \u003Ca href=\"https://yukon.ca/en/driving-and-transportation/apply-rebate-new-zero-emission-vehicle\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">$5,000 rebate for new BEVs\u003C/a>, fuel cell vehicles, and PHEVs with a range of 50 km or more, and $3,000 for PHEVs with a range less than 50 km. Most provinces require the vehicle to be bought within its borders, but eligible vehicles can be bought in-province or imported. Leased vehicles qualify for the full rebate at 36 months, and are adjusted for shorter terms. Pickup trucks must have an MSRP below $70,000 for the base trim, while all other vehicles must be below $60,000. A rebate is available for 50% of the purchase and installation of a Level 2 home charger to a maximum of $750.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>Northwest Territories\u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Northwest Territories did offer a $5,000 rebate on new BEVs and PHEVs, plus a $500 rebate for a Level 2 home charger, but it applied only to residents in nine communities that use hydroelectricity. The program has been paused but may reopen if funding is approved. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>Ontario EV Rebates in 2024 - along with Alberta, Nunavut, and Saskatchewan\u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>These four don’t offer provincial or territorial EV rebates. However, there is a rebate of up to $2,000 available for used fully electric vehicle purchases combined with a scrappage incentive being offered by a non-profit group called \u003Ca href=\"https://www.plugndrive.ca/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Plug ‘N Drive\u003C/a>. The Ontario government site talks more about \u003Ca href=\"https://www.ontario.ca/page/low-carbon-vehicles-and-electric-vehicles\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">low carbon vehicles and electric vehicles here\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Ca href=\"http://www.albertaev.ca/ev-incentives/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Alberta doesn’t offer rebates to consumers\u003C/a>, but it does to municipal fleets – including for electric ice resurfacing vehicles for hockey rinks!\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>EV rebates for \u003Cstrong>commercial\u003C/strong> use\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>Collecting your rebate is easy, and in most cases, the dealership is responsible for submitting the paperwork when you purchase or lease your vehicle (car buyers in Newfoundland and Labrador must apply directly for the provincial rebate). \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>For businesses looking to buy an electric vehicle for commercial purposes, such as a \u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">traveling \u003C/span> sales rep or delivery driver, Canada offers a full tax write-off for certain ZEVs in the year they are put into commercial use. The tax write-off is limited to $55,000, plus federal and provincial taxes paid.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cstrong>What are the cheapest, iZEV-approved electric vehicles?\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Now that you know all about iZEV-eligible vehicles and your rebate entitlements, check out some of the \u003C/span>\u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/car-guide/cheapest-electric-cars-in-canada\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">\u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">cheapest electric cars in Canada\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\"> right now. Or if you’re considering a pre-owned EV, read our \u003C/span>\u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/car-guide/what-to-look-for-when-buying-a-used-electric-car\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">\u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">guide to buying a used electric vehicle\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, or our \u003C/span>\u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/car-guide/what-to-look-for-when-buying-a-used-hybrid-car\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">\u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">guide to buying a used hybrid electric vehicle\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">.\u003C/span>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cdiv class=\"block-quote\">\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">When you’re ready to move forward, you can get pre-approved for your next \u003Ca href=\"https://apply.canadadrives.ca/application\">car loan\u003C/a> by completing our \u003Ca href=\"https://apply.canadadrives.ca/application\">simple online application\u003C/a> in under 3 minutes. We'll connect you with a local dealership in your area who will show you all vehicles you qualify for, including electric and hybrid options.\u003C/span>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/div>","2024-01-24","/uploads/2021/7/60fb48b8e8ed2.jpg","/uploads/2021/7/60fb48b9dff6a.jpg","/uploads/2021/7/60fb48ba1535f.jpg","/uploads/2021/7/60fb48ba5e06a.jpg","Electric Vehicle plugged into charging station. Electric Vehicles are becoming more and more affordable in canada","How To Get Your 2024 Electric Car Rebate in Canada| Canada Drives","Are you buying an EV? Canada's federal iZEV & provincial rebate programs can help you save thousands of dollars in Ontario, BC, Alberta, the Maritimes & more.","2019-06-24 20:29:03","2024-08-02 14:12:56","Jan 24, 2024","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/7/60fb48ba5e06a.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/7/60fb48ba1535f.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/7/60fb48b8e8ed2.jpg",{"id":113,"testimonial_id":13,"score":13,"url":114,"title":115,"quote":116,"body":117,"amp_body":13,"amp_verified":13,"publish_at":118,"img_thumb":119,"img_small":120,"img_medium":121,"img_large":122,"alt_text":123,"image_source":82,"seo_title":124,"seo_description":125,"seo_keywords":84,"type_id":6,"category_id":47,"user_id":14,"author":14,"deleted_at":13,"created_at":126,"updated_at":127,"category_url":50,"category_name":48,"publish_date":128,"img_large_src":129,"img_medium_src":130,"img_thumb_src":131},1747,"up-close-with-project-arrow-canadas-first-zero-emissions-concept-vehicle","Up Close with Project Arrow: Canada’s First Zero Emissions Concept Vehicle","Project Arrow — Canada’s first homegrown all-electric vehicle — is part of the Canadian International AutoShow in Toronto, showcasing what the country’s manufacturers and suppliers are capable of.","\u003Cp>In effect, the vehicle is a showpiece, though it is a concept that drives, overseen by the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association (APMA) with over $8 million in combined funding from the federal government and provincial governments in Ontario and Quebec. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Being “all-Canadian” is literal in the sense all the materials and parts come from a collection of 50 different Canadian companies, though some include Canadian divisions of foreign brands, too.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The process to get to this finished concept was borne out of a design competition won by four Carleton University students at its School of Industrial Design in October 2020, which was a response to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s call for \u003Ca href=\"https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/net-zero-emissions-1.5807877\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Canada to go emissions-free by 2050\u003C/a>. That led to the next phase, which used virtual reality to visualize the design in 3D before the engineering and building phase began at Ontario tech University in 2021-22.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>APMA unveiled \u003Ca href=\"https://projectarrow.ca/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Project Arrow\u003C/a> at CES 2023 in Las Vegas before bringing it to Toronto, and will be making appearances at other shows in Montreal, Detroit, Atlanta, San Antonio and Palo Alto throughout the year. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cstrong>Design and first look\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>\u003Cimg class=\"lozad\" data-src=\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2023/2/63f66c2f986af.jpeg\" alt=\"\" width=\"1200\" height=\"800\" />\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Csmall>APMA Project Arrow | Photo: Ted Kritsonis\u003C/small> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The fully functional prototype has a 3D-printed chassis as the base, made of composite materials meant to reduce the vehicle’s weight and maximize range and aerodynamics. Electric vehicles are heavy, as is, so the designers and builders utilized carbon fibre body panels, magnesium pillars and other bio-composite materials throughout to lighten the load. The seat backs are made from hemp, though it’s hard to tell given the paint job. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The wooden flooring has a red stripe running through it as an ode to how the game of basketball was invented in Canada by James Naismith. Wood also makes up the centre console, adding an element of the country’s lumber industry into the mix. Red stands out as an accent colour that pops up in various parts, like the door handles, seat belts and steering wheel. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>A 550 horsepower Canadian-built EV\u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Being the only prototype built so far (there are no plans to build another right now), it hasn’t gone through any crash testing, so its durability and safety in a collision is unclear.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cimg class=\"lozad\" data-src=\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2023/2/63f66c2d7d4bf.jpeg\" alt=\"\" width=\"1200\" height=\"800\" />\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Csmall>APMA Project Arrow | Photo: Ted Kritsonis\u003C/small> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>There are two electric motors, each with all-wheel drive capability, to combine for 550 horsepower. It can accelerate from zero to 100 km/h in only 3.5 seconds. As for range, the vehicle can drive for up to 500 km per charge — with an assist from the solar-powered roof that adds a little extra juice. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cstrong>Technology features\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>Project Arrow is a Level 3 autonomous vehicle, meaning it can not only control acceleration, deceleration and some steering, but also handle certain situational circumstances, like merging into traffic or managing through gridlock with no human intervention. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Level 3 still lacks legislative oversight, so it’s technically not legal to drive with such active features, but the vehicle is still capable of deploying them.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>Project Arrow interior\u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>\u003Cimg class=\"lozad\" data-src=\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2023/2/63f66c2da33f9.jpeg\" alt=\"\" width=\"1200\" height=\"800\" />\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Csmall>APMA Project Arrow | Photo: Ted Kritsonis\u003C/small> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>In the cabin, five distinct screens run along the entire dash. Rather than rear view mirrors, there are cameras that pop out from either side to show drivers a view from either side through respective displays on the flanks in the dash. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>There’s a digital cluster in front of the driver, plus an infotainment screen in the middle. Front passengers also get their own display, where they can adjust certain vehicle controls, like temperature or look up information. It would also be possible to watch video content on that screen, whereas drivers wouldn’t be able to for obvious reasons.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The designers also considered tracking biometrics through sensors in the interior fabrics, along with other elements inside. The steering wheel has sensors underneath at nine and three o’clock to monitor heart rate and body temperature. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The sound system also eschews larger speakers to save weight, using the existing internal design to spread sound out with smaller speakers over a wider space inside as part of a collaboration with sound engineers at Bongiovi. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The artificial intelligence (AI) features are harder to read without driving the Arrow, but they do figure into the overall operation inside, both for driver autonomy and for accessing features inside. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cstrong>Meeting the Project Arrow builders\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>\u003Cimg class=\"lozad\" data-src=\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2023/2/63f66c2b946e4.jpeg\" alt=\"\" width=\"1200\" height=\"800\" />\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Csmall>Left to right: Joseph Komar, Andrew Genovese, Marissa Kubien and Izzy Cossarin | Photo: Ted Kritsonis\u003C/small> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Four students at Ontario Tech University were on hand at the Auto Show to talk about the experience of building the Arrow and bringing it to life. Marissa Kubien is a mechanical engineering student who joined the team in June 2022 to help build the Arrow through the university’s Automotive Centre of Excellence (ACE). \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>“We put all the tech into it to make it functional, and it looks amazing as a concept, so this is what Canadian automotive suppliers can do,” says Kubien. “This kind of thing can be built in Canada. We have the technology, we have the industry, we have the resources, and we want to bring that to the auto industry.”\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>While a finished prototype, Kubien says the concept is “still under development”, so the vehicle could potentially improve, though she wouldn’t say how that might happen. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Kubien was joined by her colleagues, Izzy Cossarin, Andrew Genovese and Joseph Komar, who helped build and put the Arrow together. There are currently no plans to mass produce the vehicle or sell it in retail. The next step is for this quartet to join APMA president, Flavio Volpe, in showcasing at future events. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>“It is going on a bit of a tour, where we're going to be able to present what Canada can offer to the world, and it's going to be presenting the different Canadian companies and talent that we got involved in this.”\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cimg class=\"lozad\" data-src=\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2023/2/63f66c3037fa5.jpeg\" alt=\"\" width=\"1200\" height=\"800\" />\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Csmall>APMA Project Arrow | Photo: Ted Kritsonis\u003C/small> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cdiv class=\"block-quote\">\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cstrong>Ready to buy a used electric vehicle?\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>If Project Arrow has inspired you to go all-electric, \u003Ca href=\"https://shop.canadadrives.ca/cars/?sort_by=Featured&sort_type=desc&fuel_type=electric\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">view our used EV cars and SUVs here\u003C/a>. Every electric vehicle we deliver to your door is fully certified, passes a minimum 150 point inspection, and comes with a 7 day return policy.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003C/div>","2023-02-22","/uploads/2023/2/63f66ccb23b7e.jpeg","/uploads/2023/2/63f66ccbd2fa4.jpeg","/uploads/2023/2/63f66ccc1352c.jpeg","/uploads/2023/2/63f66ccc4e6bc.jpeg","Project Arrow","Up Close: Project Arrow - Canada’s First Zero Emissions Vehicle","We meet the young designers of Project Arrow, Canada’s first homegrown all-electric vehicle, showcasing the country’s manufacturer & supplier capabilities.","2023-02-22 11:17:43","2023-02-22 11:42:08","Feb 22, 2023","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2023/2/63f66ccc4e6bc.jpeg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2023/2/63f66ccc1352c.jpeg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2023/2/63f66ccb23b7e.jpeg",{"id":133,"testimonial_id":13,"score":13,"url":134,"title":135,"quote":136,"body":137,"amp_body":13,"amp_verified":13,"publish_at":138,"img_thumb":139,"img_small":140,"img_medium":141,"img_large":142,"alt_text":143,"image_source":82,"seo_title":144,"seo_description":145,"seo_keywords":84,"type_id":6,"category_id":47,"user_id":146,"author":6,"deleted_at":13,"created_at":147,"updated_at":148,"category_url":50,"category_name":48,"publish_date":149,"img_large_src":150,"img_medium_src":151,"img_thumb_src":152},12,"car-insurance-across-canada-whats-the-difference","What’s the Average Car Insurance Cost for Canadians by Province?","The amount of car insurance Canadians pay on average will vary per province. For instance, Ontario and British Columbia drivers can expect to pay about twice as much as Quebec and Prince Edward Island.","\u003Cp class=\"p1\">So, what’s the average car insurance cost you can expect to pay, and why? Here’s a closer look at average rates per province across the country:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cul>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#British-Columbia\">British Columbia\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#Ontario\">Ontario\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#Alberta\">Alberta\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#Saskatchewan\">Saskatchewan\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#Newfoundland-Labrador\">Newfoundland & Labrador\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#Manitoba\">Manitoba\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#Nova-Scotia\">Nova Scotia\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#NB\">New Brunswick\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#PEI\">Prince Edward Island\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli>\u003Ca href=\"#Quebec\">Quebec\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\r\n\u003C/ul>\r\n\u003Cp>Legally, you need insurance to be on the road – for your own protection and the protection of others. We as Canadians pay a substantial amount for this protection, depending on your province and a \u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/save-money/factors-that-affect-your-car-insurance-rate?\">host of other factors\u003C/a> (age, driving record, car model, etc.).\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Unfortunately, car insurance rates have been on the rise, and for many, it’s never been more challenging—from an affordability standpoint—to get coverage. Let’s take a look at the variation between the average car insurance rates across Canada, examine where rates have been on the rise, and see if there’s hope for a trend reversal. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>Please note:\u003C/strong> IBC calculate the average premium in each province by dividing total premiums per province by total personal vehicles per province.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Car insurance average rates by province\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cem>Note: rates and figures below as of March 2020\u003C/em>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3 id=\"British-Columbia\">British Columbia – $1,832\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Let’s start with the bad news first. Drivers in Canada’s westernmost province pay the highest insurance rates in Canada, averaging just over $1,800 a year. That’s up over $700 since 2015 – a whopping 63% increase in less than five years! Unlike other provinces, BC’s insurance is run by a crown corporation (ICBC), so if you don’t like those terms, tough stuff because it’s the only game in town. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>ICBC’s rates have been a hot topic in BC recently with young drivers getting \u003Ca href=\"https://vancouversun.com/news/politics/eby-rules-out-changes-to-lessen-icbc-rate-shock\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">hit the hardest\u003C/a>. The province says the reason rates have dramatically increased is due to a spike in costs for the insurer, including injury claims, lawsuits, and vehicle repair liabilities. That’s cold comfort for BC drivers seeing their rates heading north.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>There has been a push to add private insurers in the province, offering more options and competition as a way to bring down rates, but so far BC doesn’t seem too interested in giving up its car insurance monopoly. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>But there's also good news!\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>In February 2020, the B.C. government announced the introduction of the \u003Cstrong>no-fault system\u003C/strong>. With no-fault insurance, crash victims can no longer sue for damages unless the accident was caused by street racing, negligence, impaired driving, or defective/poorly repaired vehicles. Instead, affected people will receive benefits & compensation directly from ICBC. It means that \u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/news/icbc-insurance-rebates-and-rate-cuts\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">B.C. drivers will enjoy a 20% decrease in basic and optional rates after May 1st, 2021.\u003C/a> Until that time comes, ICBC's rates will not increase.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Ca href=\"https://www.icbc.com/insurance/costs/Pages/Discounts-and-savings.aspx\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">ICBC also offers discounts\u003C/a> for those who drive minimally (low kilometre use, for example), have cars with autonomous emergency braking systems, and anti-theft devices.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cspan style=\"background-color: #ffff00;\">Also see our full feature - \u003Cstrong>\u003Ca style=\"background-color: #ffff00;\" href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/car-finance/car-insurance-in-british-columbia\">Car Insurance in British Columbia: Everything You Need to Know\u003C/a>\u003C/strong>\u003C/span>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3 id=\"Ontario\">Ontario – $1,528\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Ontario—the most populous province—is the second most expensive province when it comes to car insurance. Driving up and down the 401 doesn’t come cheap; the average auto insurance in Ontario is over $1,500 a year. In 2015, Ontario was the most expensive with average premiums of $1,281 per year, but its $247 hike doesn’t seem too bad in comparison to BC. Experts point to rampant fraud as the main reason rates are up. Generous accident benefit laws have also factored.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Vehicle insurance is compulsory in Ontario, but unlike BC you have the option to shop around for the best deal through private insurers. \u003Cstrong>Take the time to compare brokers and get a rate that’s competitive for the coverage you need.\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The Government of Ontario \u003Ca href=\"https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/auto-insurance-plan-2019-budget-1.5089472\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">announced \"transformative\" measures\u003C/a> last April but it doesn't appear to be saving drivers money. In February 2020, an average 1.56% rate increase came into effect, sending the average premium from $1,505 to $1,528 by our calculations. Some insurance companies increased their rates by as much as 11%.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cspan style=\"background-color: #ffff00;\">Also see our full feature - \u003Cstrong>\u003Ca style=\"background-color: #ffff00;\" href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/car-finance/car-insurance-in-ontario\">Car Insurance in Ontario: Everything You Need to Know\u003C/a>\u003C/strong>\u003C/span>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3 id=\"Alberta\">Alberta – $1,316\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Known for big skies, Alberta has become a province of big premiums if you want to drive that shiny new F150 down Calgary Trail. Alberta car insurance rates are now the third most expensive in Canada with an average yearly premium of $1,316. That’s a $300 increase since 2015 ($1,004) when Alberta was fifth in the country. Whatever happened to the “Alberta Advantage”?\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The previous provincial government limited private auto insurers to a maximum 5% annual rate increase, but Alberta’s UCP government has \u003Ca href=\"https://globalnews.ca/news/5839389/alberta-auto-insurance-rate-increase-cap-expires/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">scrapped that in 2019\u003C/a>, much to the satisfaction of insurance companies. So, it seems unlikely rates will be going down anytime soon. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cspan style=\"background-color: #ffff00;\">Also see our full feature - \u003Cstrong>\u003Ca style=\"background-color: #ffff00;\" href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/car-finance/car-insurance-in-alberta-everything-you-need-to-know\">Car Insurance in Alberta: Everything You Need to Know\u003C/a>\u003C/strong>\u003C/span>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3 id=\"Saskatchewan\">Saskatchewan – $1,235\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Another province with long prairie roads between destinations, Saskatchewan has seen semi-modest increases to its insurance rates for drivers. In 2015, Saskatchewan drivers were paying a yearly average rate of $1,049. Now, it’s $186 more on average. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Similar to BC, Saskatchewan operates on a provincially run auto insurance agency (Saskatchewan Government Insurance), so, unfortunately, you pay whatever they ask for. No shopping around. All drivers in the province are required to carry third-party liability insurance of up to $200,000, but a report released in May warns that a significant portion of \u003Ca href=\"https://globalnews.ca/news/5294205/saskatchewan-vehicle-insurance-report/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">drivers in the province are “underinsured”\u003C/a>. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3 id=\"Newfoundland-Labrador\">Newfoundland & Labrador – $1,168\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>For a relatively small population, Newfoundland & Labrador is seeing some of the biggest rate jumps in the country. Rates in Newfoundland & Labrador have spiked 55% over five years to sit fifth on our list and \u003Ca href=\"https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/nl-car-insurance-problem-explainer-1.5089310\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">highest in Atlantic Canada\u003C/a> – 35% more than Maritime neighbours. What’s the cause? Some point to large awards for relatively minor injuries as the culprit. Newfoundland and Labrador operate under the “tort system,” which means you can sue an at-fault driver for your pain and suffering, wage losses, and other damages related to an accident.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3 id=\"Manitoba\">Manitoba – $1,140\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>The land of a thousand lakes is also the land of just over a thousand dollars per year for insurance. Relative to other provinces, Manitoba is middle-of-the-road with an average premium of $1,140.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The spacious prairie province operates similar to its neighbour and BC, with a crown corporation issuing car insurance. BC even designed their recent no-fault system on Manitoba's model. Due to the government-owned monopoly, there’s no recourse (other than not driving) if you don’t like your insurance rate. On the bright side, the province’s auto insurance division (MPI) in 2019 \u003Ca href=\"https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-public-insurance-rate-increase-2020-brokers-1.5311640\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">proposed a 0.9 decrease in rates\u003C/a> – the first overall rate reduction in eight years. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3 id=\"Nova-Scotia\">Nova Scotia - $891\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Since car insurance reforms in 2003, Nova Scotians have benefited from some of the lowest car insurance premiums in the country. Driving history plays a huge factor in the rates you pay for car insurance in this Maritime province. As well, the coverage you select for your policy can greatly affect your premium – by as much as 30 percent. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>On average, Nova Scotia drivers can expect to pay around $891 per year for car insurance, up from $735 annually just five years ago. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3 id=\"NB\">New Brunswick - $867\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Car insurance rates are set to increase by up to 22% in 2020. For the past five years, New Brunswick residents have enjoyed below average premiums starting at $728 annually in 2015. Due to an increase in claims, largely blamed on distracted driving, the province has chosen to hike rates almost across the board. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The average insurance premium is $867 currently, but the average rate increase is 12 percent. That means within the year, the average insurance premium will be $971 per year, leapfrogging past Nova Scotia.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Nova Scotia, now at $891, has jumped from $735 over five years, while New Brunswick has gone from $728 to $867 over the same time period. Prince Edward Island saw the biggest jump, from $695 in 2015 to an $861 average today. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3 id=\"PEI\">Prince Edward Island - $861\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Private insurance in Prince Edward Island has suppressed car insurance rates for years. As well, PEI has one of the lowest instances of accidents in the nation which means fewer claims to pay out. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Despite declining claim numbers, rates have climbed from $695 in 2015 to $861 per year currently. That’s good enough for the second-lowest average insurance policy premium in the country.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3 id=\"Quebec\">Quebec - $717\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Here’s one of the rare instances where being at the bottom of a list is the best position. The drivers of La Belle Province enjoy the most affordable rates in the country – less than half of what drivers in BC and Ontario pay on average. And it gets even better – the rates are not going up and the same pace as other provinces. Quebec paid on average $642 in 2015 and now they’re paying only $75 more on average. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>So why are rates so low in Quebec? According to some, Quebec’s insurance regulations are not as strict as other provinces. Plus, there are limits the province puts on bodily injury claims, which lead to lower rates for drivers. They also use a combo or public and private insurers, so you can shop around for the best deal.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Since premiums vary across Canada, and certain provinces require that vehicle owners obtain certain insurance packages, comprised of mandatory coverage – you can see just how different the car insurance climates remain throughout Canada. Ultimately, you will need to be aware of the specifications for your region, as well as knowing what you can do to help reduce your own costs.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>Below, all the rates per province summarized:\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cimg src=\"https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2024/6/667d991320b05.png\" />\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cem>IBC Source: GISA & MSA data for private insurers (as of December 31, 2018), SGI Annual Report (2018), MPI Annual Report (2018), Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), and ICBC Service Plan (2019)\u003C/em>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cem>\u003Cstrong>*Ontario\u003C/strong> figure updated February 2020 by Canada Drives to reflect 1.56% average increase.\u003C/em>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>4 simple ways to reduce you car insurance costs\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>In most provinces, there is certain criteria that will be taken into account when you apply for car insurance. It’s important to know that a lot of the factors used to calculate your premiums are out of your control.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>But aside from moving to a different province, \u003Cem>some\u003C/em> factors are within your control. The following tips can help you \u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/save-money/ways-to-get-cheap-car-insurance\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">get cheaper car insurance\u003C/a>:\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>1. Shop around, ask for quotes, and compare prices\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Be prepared to haggle, negotiate, and pit insurance providers against each other. They’re competing for your business, so make them work for it. Unfortunately, if you’re in BC, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba, this strategy is of no use to you. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>2. Only pay for the coverage you need\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>As mentioned\u003Cstrong>, \u003C/strong>some coverage is \u003Ca href=\"https://www.canada.ca/en/financial-consumer-agency/services/insurance/car.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">mandatory under Canadian law\u003C/a>, such as liability and comprehensive. But, if your province's mandatory coverage permits, you may want to consider dropping something like collision coverage if your vehicle has a low resale value.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>3. Combine insurance\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>If you already have home insurance, you might be able to merge it with vehicle insurance to get a better deal. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>4. Choose the right car\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Cars with adequate safety features (i.e. airbags, brake assist), high crash-test scores, and less powerful engines tend to have cheaper insurance rates. The \u003Ca href=\"http://www.ibc.ca/nb/auto/theft/top-ten-stolen-cars?y=2020#stolen-cars\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">most commonley stolen makes and models in Canada\u003C/a> are also more expensive to insure.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Now that you know a little more about what to expect in your own province and what you can do to pay less for insurance, hopefully, you can move forward with your car ownership plans. Just like obtaining a loan, it’s important to gather this knowledge before you buy so you can budget accordingly. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>To offset the rising cost of insurance, consider buying a pre-owned vehicle. Cheaper insurance is just one of the things you'll enjoy with a used car. \u003C/strong> \u003Ca href=\"https://apply.canadadrives.ca/\">\u003Cstrong>Canada Drives\u003C/strong>\u003C/a> \u003Cstrong>can help you get pre-approved for your next car online in minutes, so you can shop with confidence knowing exactly what you can afford!\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>","2022-07-21","/uploads/2023/3/6410b72c78038.jpg","/uploads/2023/3/6410b72d0c266.jpg","/uploads/2023/3/6410b72d2f3e3.jpg","/uploads/2023/3/6410b72d5647c.jpg","Average Car Insurance Cost for Canadians","What’s the Average Car Insurance Cost for Canadians by Province?| Canada Drives","How much can Canadians expect to pay for car insurance on average, per province? Why does Ontario & BC pay twice as much as Quebec? We look at each province.",0,"2015-11-25 03:21:40","2024-06-27 09:58:57","Jul 21, 2022","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2023/3/6410b72d5647c.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2023/3/6410b72d2f3e3.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2023/3/6410b72c78038.jpg",{"id":154,"testimonial_id":13,"score":13,"url":155,"title":156,"quote":157,"body":158,"amp_body":13,"amp_verified":13,"publish_at":159,"img_thumb":160,"img_small":161,"img_medium":162,"img_large":163,"alt_text":164,"image_source":82,"seo_title":165,"seo_description":166,"seo_keywords":84,"type_id":6,"category_id":47,"user_id":85,"author":6,"deleted_at":13,"created_at":167,"updated_at":168,"category_url":50,"category_name":48,"publish_date":169,"img_large_src":170,"img_medium_src":171,"img_thumb_src":172},682,"your-weekly-news-roundup-one","The Weekly Roundup: Distracted Driving Rises in BC, Big Ford Recall, and More...","What's happening in the Canadian automotive world? We rounded up the most important news of the last week (or so) to deliver the highlights in two minutes... ","\u003Ch2>\u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">1. Distracted driving on the rise in B.C.\u003C/span>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cblockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\">\u003Cp lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">\u003Ca href=\"https://twitter.com/hashtag/SaferYouSaferMe?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#SaferYouSaferMe\u003C/a>. Did you know \u003Ca href=\"https://twitter.com/hashtag/RichmondRCMP?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#RichmondRCMP\u003C/a> have already issued 321 tickets for distracted driving and speeding from January to April this year? \u003Ca href=\"https://twitter.com/hashtag/RichmondRCMP?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#RichmondRCMP\u003C/a> will be conducting increased enforcement May 17 to 23 in support of Canada’s Road Safety Week. \u003Ca href=\"https://t.co/eBWELWRmtG\">https://t.co/eBWELWRmtG\u003C/a> \u003Ca href=\"https://t.co/iyNzowq77e\">pic.twitter.com/iyNzowq77e\u003C/a>\u003C/p>— Richmond RCMP (@RichmondRCMP) \u003Ca href=\"https://twitter.com/RichmondRCMP/status/1528526205766582273?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">May 23, 2022\u003C/a>\u003C/blockquote> \u003Cscript async src=\"https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js\" charset=\"utf-8\">\u003C/script>\r\n\u003Cp>Despite strict penalties and special awareness campaigns, more and more British Columbians are getting pulled over for \u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/driving-tips/distracted-driving-laws-penalties-canada\">distracted driving\u003C/a> offences. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>According to CBC there was a \u003Ca href=\"https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/the-problem-of-distracted-driving-in-b-c-1.6485333\" target=\"_blank\">drop in tickets issued\u003C/a> during the pandemic (40,010 violations in 2019 vs. 24,719 violations in 2020). But with traffic returning to pre-pandemic levels, offending drivers are starting to rack up hefty fines again and run the risk of higher auto insurance premiums.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Distracted driving can be just as hazardous as driving under the influence, yet \u003Ca href=\"https://www.icbc.com/about-icbc/newsroom/Pages/2022-mar01.aspx\" target=\"_blank\">42% of Canadians\u003C/a> admit to driving distracted. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>According to the \u003Ca href=\"https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/96318_06\" target=\"_blank\">Motor Vehicle Act\u003C/a>, drivers in B.C. cannot hold, operate, or watch the screen of a phone, tablet, laptop, or any other handheld device. Fully licensed drivers may use the hands-free or one-touch function, but the device must be securely mounted at all times.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>One offence can land you a fine of $368 and four penalty points. A second offence inside a year can land you a driving ban and an invitation from the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles to the \u003Ca href=\"https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/roadsafetybc/high-risk-driver/driver-improvement\" target=\"_blank\">Driver Improvement Program\u003C/a>. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Drive safe!\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">2. Ford recalls affect over 400,000 vehicles in Canada\u003C/span>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cimg class=\"lozad\" data-src=\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2022/6/62ac2a42622fd.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"900\" height=\"562\" />\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: center;\">\u003Csmall>7,600 Mustang Mach-E vehicles have been recalled in Canada this month | Photo: Ford\u003C/small> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Ford has issued concurrent recalls this month; the largest one affecting 394,000 vehicles in Canada because of concerns over vehicles that may not shift gears properly. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Vehicles included in this recall are: \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Col>\r\n\u003Cli aria-level=\"1\">\u003Cstrong>Fusion\u003C/strong> (2013 to 2016)\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli aria-level=\"1\">\u003Cstrong>C-Max\u003C/strong> (2013 to 2018)\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli aria-level=\"1\">\u003Cstrong>Escape\u003C/strong> (2013 to 2019)\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli aria-level=\"1\">\u003Cstrong>Edge\u003C/strong> (2015 to 2018)\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cli aria-level=\"1\">\u003Cstrong>Transit Connect\u003C/strong> (2013 to 2021)\u003C/li>\r\n\u003C/ol>\r\n\u003Cp>The other recall issued this month affects 7,600 \u003Cstrong>Mustang Mach-E\u003C/strong> electric vehicles that have been flagged due to a battery voltage contractor problem.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>If you think your vehicle might be affected by either of these recalls, find out more about \u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/recalls/ford-recalls-over-400000-vehicles\">your next steps\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>In other June recall news, \u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/recalls/fiat-chrysler-recall-over-55-000-jeep-and-dodge-vehicles\">Fiat Chrysler recalled\u003C/a> over 55,000 Jeep Grand Cherokees and Dodge Rams. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">3. Tesla has 3 years’ worth of Cybertruck orders\u003C/span>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cimg class=\"lozad\" data-src=\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2022/6/62ac2b3c6cec6.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"900\" height=\"562\" />\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: center;\">\u003Csmall>Production delays: Tesla Cybertruck is backed up with enough orders for a 3-year waitlist. | Photo: Tesla\u003C/small> \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The Tesla Cybertruck is one of the most talked-about vehicles in Canada and the US despite the fact that it is still not in production. Although Ford has officially beaten Tesla to the punch, that is to assemble and deliver an electric truck first, there are still hundreds of thousands of pre-order holders waiting for their Cybertruck.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>In fact, according to \u003Ca href=\"https://insideevs.com/news/590840/tesla-cybertruck-orders-exceed-three-year-production/\" target=\"_blank\">Insideevs\u003C/a>, Tesla says that they have enough orders to fill three years’ worth of production. This means that recent hopeful hand-raisers may have to wait a full four years before taking delivery. Tesla Cybertruck production is not expected to begin before next year. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>As a reminder, the Cybertruck was revealed in November of 2019. Also, Tesla stopped taking orders for the funky electric truck in May due to the overwhelming demand. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">4. Toyota is thinking about introducing its own small truck\u003C/span>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cimg class=\"lozad\" data-src=\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2022/6/62ac2d7521fd7.JPG\" alt=\"\" width=\"900\" height=\"562\" />\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: center;\">\u003Csmall>The Hyundai Santa Cruz is one of the stars of the small truck segment | Photo: Hyundai\u003C/small>\r\n\u003Cp>The small truck segment, in order words all non-full-size pickups, is growing rapidly. In about three years’ time, three extremely important players have been added to the roster. Ford’s been extremely busy relaunching the Ranger and introducing a true game-changer in the compact Maverick. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Toyota’s been in the truck business for a very long time and has created a number of legendary trucks of its own. In fact, their Tacoma, despite its relative age, continues to be a go-to in the midsize segment. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>According to \u003Ca href=\"https://www.motortrend.com/news/toyota-compact-pickup-truck-under-consideration/\" target=\"_blank\">Motor Trend\u003C/a>, Toyota is considering launching a compact truck to take on the likes of the Ford Maverick and Hyundai Santa Cruz. The giant Japanese automaker certainly has the tools and expertise to make it happen. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Their global platform, the TNGA, has all the workings of an architecture that could handle the business of working for a truck. The ultra-popular RAV4 uses it as its foundation which means that electrified powertrains could easily be a possibility. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">5. The all-new 2023 Honda HR-V\u003C/span>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cimg class=\"lozad\" data-src=\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2022/6/62ac2d738b582.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"900\" height=\"562\" />\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: center;\">\u003Csmall>The 2023 Honda HR-V has greater size, power, and technology than its predecessor | Photo: Honda\u003C/small>\r\n\u003Cp>The first-generation-for-North-America Honda HR-V was a well-appreciated small SUV by Canadian families moving out of compact cars. At the time, the SUV shared numerous components with the sub-compact Fit but despite this fact, it still offered one of the largest interiors and trunks in the segment. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Ca href=\"https://hondanews.ca/en-CA/releases/all-new-2023-hr-v-boasts-sportier-design-more-responsive-powertrain-upscale-cabin-and-desirable-tech-features\" target=\"_blank\">Honda Canada\u003C/a> has just released details and information on the all-new 2023 HR-V and it will clearly pick up where the previous model left off. The biggest bit of news is that the new HR-V grows in size, power, and technology, thanks in large part to the fact it will henceforth be assembled on a mix between the CR-V and new 11th-generation Civic’s platform. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The new HR-V is longer overall, is wider, and gains an extra 45 mm of wheelbase for more interior room. The cabin’s dashboard is strongly related to the new Civic’s, with which it happens to share its 158-horsepower 2.0-litre 4-cylinder engine. The HR-V arrives later this month. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">6. Environmentalists Dr. David Suzuki and Dr. Tara Cullis drove across Canada in a Volvo C40 Recharge\u003C/span>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cimg class=\"lozad\" data-src=\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2022/6/62ac2d7358e72.JPG\" alt=\"\" width=\"900\" height=\"562\" />\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: center;\">\u003Csmall>Zero Anxiety: Dr. David Suzuki and Dr. Tara Cullis comfortably made the drive from Vancouver to Toronto | Photo: Volvo\u003C/small>\r\n\u003Cp>As far as environmentalists in Canada or North America are concerned, few are better known than our own Dr. David Suzuki. He, along with his wife, Dr. Tara Cullis has just arrived in Toronto following a long road trip from their home in Vancouver to attend the world premiere of their play \u003Cem>What You Won’t Do for Love.\u003C/em>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The long trip was not completed via air travel but rather from behind the wheel of a new 2022 \u003Ca href=\"https://www.media.volvocars.com/ca/en-ca/media/pressreleases/302125/volvo-c40-recharge-powers-david-suzukis-electric-road-trip-from-vancouver-to-toronto-4\">Volvo\u003C/a> C40 Recharge electric crossover. Thanks to regular fast-charging locations, Dr. Suzuki reports that the 4,100-km trek was completed with zero mileage anxiety.\u003C/p>\r\n\r\n","2022-06-17","/uploads/2022/6/62ac2915b5a64.jpg","/uploads/2022/6/62ac291681a7d.jpg","/uploads/2022/6/62ac2916ae7fe.jpg","/uploads/2022/6/62ac2916ef9cd.jpg","news highlights","The Weekly Roundup: Distracted Driving Rises in BC, Big Ford Recall, and More... | Canada Drives","What you missed this week: distracted driving on the rise, Ford recalls, Tesla's 3-year Cybertruck backlog, and other news...","2019-10-18 20:40:36","2022-07-18 15:26:55","Jun 17, 2022","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2022/6/62ac2916ef9cd.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2022/6/62ac2916ae7fe.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2022/6/62ac2915b5a64.jpg",{"id":174,"testimonial_id":13,"score":13,"url":175,"title":176,"quote":177,"body":178,"amp_body":13,"amp_verified":13,"publish_at":179,"img_thumb":180,"img_small":181,"img_medium":182,"img_large":183,"alt_text":184,"image_source":82,"seo_title":185,"seo_description":186,"seo_keywords":84,"type_id":6,"category_id":47,"user_id":85,"author":6,"deleted_at":13,"created_at":187,"updated_at":188,"category_url":50,"category_name":48,"publish_date":189,"img_large_src":190,"img_medium_src":191,"img_thumb_src":192},684,"halloween-car-costume-ideas","Clever Car Costume Ideas for Halloween & Beyond","Thinking about a costume this Halloween? Need inspiration? Any opportunity to dress up is an opportunity for fun! Even vehicles are getting in on the action. We scoured the web and compiled a shortlist of winning car costumes that went above and beyond.","\u003Cp>Some of these costumes can be replicated at the last minute while others require a bit more planning and forethought. Take a look and tell us your favourites! Are we missing any good ones?\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Ferrari Testarossa\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\">\u003Cimg src=\"https://cms.canadadrives.ca/uploads/2019/10/5daf9a3236f12.PNG\" alt=\"ferrari costume\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\"/>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Csmall>Credit: Designboom\u003C/small>\r\n\u003Cp>It may be Halloween, but Christmas came early for Italian artist Benedetto Bufalino. He transformed his nondescript car into a Ferrari Testarossa and even \u003Ca href=\"https://www.cnet.com/news/insta-ferrari-makes-any-car-an-italian-supercar/\">went cruising in it\u003C/a>. We don’t think he was fooling anyone with the cardboard exterior, but the man can dream!\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>The Ecto-1 (from Ghostbusters)\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\">\u003Cimg src=\"https://cms.canadadrives.ca/uploads/2019/10/5daf9a3046cb6.png\" alt=\"ghostbusters car dress up\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\" />\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Csmall>Credit: iHeartRadio\u003C/small>\r\n\u003Cp>Is your car white? Maybe you could transform it into the Ecto-1 from Ghostbusters? Would you believe this 1992 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham \u003Ca href=\"https://www.iheartradio.ca/cjay92/trending/look-an-alberta-man-has-a-functional-ghostbusters-car-listed-on-kijiji-1.3702819\">was for sale on Kijiji\u003C/a> for just $14,000?! Maybe you'll find the Proton Pack on eBay?\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Big Mouth\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\">\u003Cimg src=\"https://cms.canadadrives.ca/uploads/2019/10/5daf9a2a05b35.PNG\" alt=\"car dress up with teeth and tongue\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\"/>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Csmall>Credit: CARFAX\u003C/small>\r\n\u003Cp>If only you could find a vehicle you could depend on …to not swallow you whole!! And a bucket of sweets to lure candy lovers? Sweet tooths beware; this SUV may take a bite out of you!\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Black Cat\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\">\u003Cimg src=\"https://cms.canadadrives.ca/uploads/2019/10/5daf9a3487790.PNG\" alt=\"car dressed up as black cat\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\"/>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Csmall>Credit: My Cool Bin\u003C/small>\r\n\u003Cp>It wouldn’t be Halloween if a black cat didn’t at least pull up to the side of your path and parallel park.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Mutts Kutts van (from Dumb and Dumber)\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\">\u003Cimg src=\"https://cms.canadadrives.ca/uploads/2019/10/5db0db896a8f0.png\" alt=\"van in dog costume\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\"/>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Csmall>Credit: The Kansas City Star\u003C/small>\r\n\u003Cp>Move over cat, the big dog is here! Custom car builder Joe Pace transformed a 2003 Ford Econoline van into an exact replica of the Mutts Cutts van. Made famous thanks to the 1994 comedy Dumb and Dumber, the carpet-covered van—which features faux fur-covered chairs, a 40” TV, and a mysterious briefcase—sold on Facebook and fetched the maker more than a few IOUs for his efforts. We'd like to think that a genuine dog groomer saw this real-life replica for sale and thought, “So you’re telling me there’s a chance!”\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ciframe width=\"592\" height=\"333\" src=\"https://youtube.com/embed/fMjshpZugQw\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen>\u003C/iframe>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Mini Airplane\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\">\u003Cimg src=\"https://cms.canadadrives.ca/uploads/2019/10/5daf9a2cbb7d1.PNG\" alt=\"Mini Copper dressed up as airplane\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\"/>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Csmall>Credit: Motor1.com\u003C/small>\r\n\u003Cp>Ford, Tesla, and Volkwagen are just a few car manufacturers working hard to bring us electric cars and self-driving vehicles. But what manufacturer is working on flying cars? This Mini Cooper has got us all thinking wishfully with this airplane costume! We're not sure if this Mini is roadworthy, but who needs road when you’ve got wings?!\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Jack-o'-lantern\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\">\u003Cimg src=\"https://cms.canadadrives.ca/uploads/2019/10/5daf9a2b085b9.png\" alt=\"Orange Audi with pumpkin design on the hood\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\"/>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Csmall>Credit: My Cool Bin\u003C/small>\r\n\u003Cp>Orange IS the new black, and this is spook-tacular Halloween dedication! This Audi’s pumpkin paint job is highly appropriate for at least 1 of the 52 weeks in the year.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Joker\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\">\u003Cimg src=\"https://cms.canadadrives.ca/uploads/2019/10/5db0db873f2f0.png\" alt=\"Minivan in Joker costume\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\"/>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Csmall>Credit: Cars.com\u003C/small>\r\n\u003Cp>Sporting green hair, white makeup, and a devious grin, this 2017 Chrysler Pacifica minivan is dressed up as Batman’s most iconic enemy. No treats. It's only tricks for the Dark Knight's most fiendish foe (on four wheels).\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Lightning McQueen (from Cars)\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\">\u003Cimg src=\"https://cms.canadadrives.ca/uploads/2019/10/5daf9a2e45f54.PNG\" alt=\"Mustang disguised as Lightning McQueen\"style=\"margin-bottom: 0;\" />\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Csmall>Credit: WMC Action News 5\u003C/small>\r\n\u003Cp>It may not have been a Halloween project, but this car costume merits honourable mention. Inspired by Disney Pixar's Cars, a father in Memphis surprised his young son by \u003Ca href=\"https://www.wmcactionnews5.com/story/30048511/dad-transforms-car-into-lightning-mcqueen-to-surprise-his-son/\">transforming his Mustang\u003C/a> into a real-life Lightning McQueen!\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Happy Halloween from Canada Drives!\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>Hopefully this list inspired your own car costume ideas! Let us hear about them on social media!\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\r\n\r\n\u003Cscript type=\"application/ld+json\"> \r\n[ \r\n{\"@context\": \"http://schema.org\",\r\n\"@type\": \"NewsArticle\",\r\n\"mainEntityOfPage\": \r\n{\"@type\": \"WebPage\",\r\n\"@id\": \"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/tips/halloween-car-costume-ideas\"},\r\n\"headline\": \"Clever Car Costume Ideas for Halloween & Beyond\",\r\n\"image\": [\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/uploads/2019/10/5db0dfd102b13.jpg\"],\r\n\"datePublished\": \"2019-10-23\",\r\n\"dateModified\": \"2020-10-27\",\r\n\"publisher\": \r\n{\r\n\"@type\": \"Organization\",\r\n\"name\": \"Canada Drives\",\r\n\"logo\": \r\n{\"@type\": \"ImageObject\",\r\n\"url\": \"https://www.canadadrives.ca/images/logos/canada-drives-og.jpg\"}},\r\n\"author\": \r\n{\"@type\": \"Organization\",\"name\": \"Canada Drives\"},\r\n\"description\": \"Canada Drives is the largest 100% online car-shopping platform in Canada. Shop hundreds of certified used vehicles and have yours delivered to your door.\"} ] \r\n\u003C/script>\r\n","2021-10-28","/uploads/2021/10/617b6cd7bcc43.jpg","/uploads/2021/10/617b6cd86e26b.jpg","/uploads/2021/10/617b6cd899745.jpg","/uploads/2021/10/617b6cd8e15a1.jpg","Pumpkin Driving a Spooky Halloween Car","Clever Car Costume Ideas for Halloween & Beyond | Canada Drives","Happy Halloween! Check out our spooky-and-not-so-spooky shortlist of vehicles that went above & beyond when it was time to dress up!","2019-10-23 00:27:49","2021-11-22 13:32:29","Oct 28, 2021","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/10/617b6cd8e15a1.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/10/617b6cd899745.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/10/617b6cd7bcc43.jpg",{"id":194,"testimonial_id":13,"score":13,"url":195,"title":196,"quote":197,"body":198,"amp_body":13,"amp_verified":13,"publish_at":199,"img_thumb":200,"img_small":201,"img_medium":202,"img_large":203,"alt_text":204,"image_source":82,"seo_title":196,"seo_description":205,"seo_keywords":84,"type_id":6,"category_id":47,"user_id":85,"author":85,"deleted_at":13,"created_at":206,"updated_at":207,"category_url":50,"category_name":48,"publish_date":208,"img_large_src":209,"img_medium_src":210,"img_thumb_src":211},1294,"what-should-i-nickname-my-car","The Dub Club: People Are Naming Their Cars and the Choices Are Wild ","Sonic Doorwedge. Prince Charles. Chucky Petunia. Shrek. After combing through the results of a recent Canada Drives survey, those are just a handful of very real nicknames that very real people have actually given their very real vehicles. ","\u003Cp>In real life. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>For real. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>But don’t be too quick to scoff. Sonic Doorwedge aside, giving a car or truck a nickname is standard operating procedure for many drivers. In fact, our recent survey found that more respondents have a special name for their car than we realized.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>It just so happens that some people name their cars things like Vanilla Dumpy. Or General Hand Grenade. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>We’ll dive deeper into the results but first, let’s explore an obvious question. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cstrong>Why do people name their cars and trucks? \u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>The easiest way to answer this question is probably with another question: Why not? Think about it. If you had to pick between saying to a friend “Hop into \u003Cem>The Beast\u003C/em> and we’ll hit the road” or simply “Get in the car” the choice should be obvious, no? \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>If you have young children, this “why not” rationale could very well be (or soon become) the driving force behind your car’s nickname. If you aren’t already aware, kids name everything—from their stuffed animals to their favourite cereal bowls—and vehicles are no different. This is how, in the blink of an eye, the super cool car or truck you just bought can end up being forever known as “Bubbles”. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Of course, nicknames aren’t just about fun and games. There’s also some basic psychology underpinning why we name our rides. As humans, we’re in the habit of naming things we’re fond of and have an attachment to, and we all tend to get attached to our vehicles, for better or worse. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cstrong>What are the most popular vehicle nicknames? \u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>We wanted to dive deeper into this phenomenon of vehicle nicknames so we ran a survey and polled over 1,000 drivers, asking them if they have a special nickname for their ride and if yes, what is it? \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>As you can imagine, the range of nicknames was varied but there were also a few common themes across the board. Here’s a quick taste. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>Part of the family \u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Surprisingly, more than a third (36.8%) of respondents who named their vehicle chose a human name. For example, some of the submissions in our survey include Betsy, Marty, and Charlie. While these names won’t raise any eyebrows or win any awards for creativity, a car named Charlie or Timmy or Eleanor can work its way into your family’s heartstrings pretty quick. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>Simple but effective \u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>After human names, another popular choice for drivers is to just call their ride by its make or model. More than 16% of owners who named their vehicle opted for simple-but-effective choices like Dodge, Honda, and Sierra. These names are only a slight step up from calling your car simply “my car” or your truck “my truck”, but they still convey some affection. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>Colour me surprised\u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>For many, a vehicle’s colour is the main factor when it comes to bestowing a nickname. In fact, 7.2% of the names submitted in our survey were inspired by the colour, including names like Blueblue, Silver Mistress, and Big Red. One can only imagine that names like Snowflake and Pearl are inspired by car colours too. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>Homage to Hollywood \u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>The silver screen has been home to some of the coolest vehicle names in history, so it’s no surprise that almost 8% of respondents who named their vehicle listed names like The Millenium Falcon. Other Hollywood-inspired names weren’t vehicles at all, but popular characters, from Shrek to Evie to Smaug. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>\u003Cstrong>Fun finds \u003C/strong>\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>Of course, vehicle names aren’t always born out of a place of love or affection. One respondent shared with us that their vehicle’s name was the result of a lost bet. Needless to say, that vehicle’s name can’t be printed here. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Other memorable finds included names like Mud Shark, Beastie (not to be confused with \u003Ci>The Beast\u003C/i> mentioned above), Egg, and Ice Cube!\u003C/p>\r\n\r\n","2021-10-12","/uploads/2021/10/616619bb721b6.jpg","/uploads/2021/10/616619bc36511.jpg","/uploads/2021/10/616619bc708e8.jpg","/uploads/2021/10/616619bcc7e96.jpg","vehicle nicknames","What should I name my car? Get ready to be inspired! We asked Canadians about vehicle nicknames and got some fantastic answers... ","2021-10-12 16:26:53","2021-10-14 14:37:12","Oct 12, 2021","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/10/616619bcc7e96.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/10/616619bc708e8.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/10/616619bb721b6.jpg",{"id":213,"testimonial_id":13,"score":13,"url":214,"title":215,"quote":216,"body":217,"amp_body":13,"amp_verified":13,"publish_at":218,"img_thumb":219,"img_small":220,"img_medium":221,"img_large":222,"alt_text":223,"image_source":82,"seo_title":224,"seo_description":225,"seo_keywords":84,"type_id":6,"category_id":47,"user_id":85,"author":85,"deleted_at":13,"created_at":226,"updated_at":188,"category_url":50,"category_name":48,"publish_date":227,"img_large_src":228,"img_medium_src":229,"img_thumb_src":230},1030,"icbc-insurance-rebates-and-rate-cuts","How Much of an Insurance Rate Cut Are B.C. Drivers Getting in 2021? ","British Columbia is a vast and diverse province with many different regions and cultural identities. But if there is one commonality between residents of this province, at least those of us who drive a vehicle, it’s that we all must buy our vehicle insurance from ICBC.","\u003Cp>The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) is the province’s sole provider of vehicle insurance and its monopolistic nature has earned the government entity no shortage of contempt. You can’t take your business elsewhere – ICBC calls all the shots. And if you don’t like their rates, well you can always ride a bike. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>However, there’s been reason to at least partially smile when it comes time to initiate or renew your ICBC car insurance this year. The insurance corporation recently announced that customers can expect lower rates in 2021, and even COVID-19 rebate cheques! \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Let’s break down why this rate reduction is happening, when it takes effect, who can expect a rebate, and when. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cstrong>Why is there an ICBC rate reduction?\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>Without getting too deep into the legal weeds, ICBC moved to a \u003Ca href=\"https://vancouversun.com/news/politics/5-things-to-know-about-b-c-s-new-no-fault-insurance\">no-fault insurance\u003C/a> model that they claim removes hefty legal costs from the insurance system, and thus reduces premiums for customers. ICBC argues that legal fees – due to a litigation-based insurance system – were one of the primary reasons for ballooning insurance rates in our province that have led to the \u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/news/car-insurance-across-canada-whats-the-difference/\">most expensive car insurance in Canada\u003C/a>. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cstrong>When did this happen?\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>The injury and trial lawyers of BC \u003Ca href=\"https://vancouversun.com/news/court-rules-that-government-efforts-to-limit-trials-in-minor-injury-claims-unconstitutional\">vehemently disagree\u003C/a> with ICBC’s move towards a no-fault insurance system and have rigorously fought the attorney general on the matter. Whatever the case, \u003Cstrong>rates dropped on May 1 2021\u003C/strong> under what ICBC calls the \u003Ca href=\"https://enhancedcare.icbc.com/\">Enhanced Care program\u003C/a>. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The cost for optional third-party liability coverage was also lowered in February 2021, so the savings had already begun on a smaller scale. However, the big savings began in May with an average \u003Cstrong>$400 reduction\u003C/strong> on most basic car insurance plans. That equates to about 20% less than last year. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The average annual premium in B.C. was $1900 in 2020, and it’s now set to be $1500 this year. Rates generally change each year due to various factors like rising claims, but ICBC says it will lock-in this lowered rate until at least 2023.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Check out ICBC’s \u003Ca href=\"https://enhancedcare.icbc.com/savings-and-refunds\">rate calculator\u003C/a> to see what kind of rate reduction you might be eligible for.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>You don’t need to do anything to receive this reduced rate, it will be applied automatically once you renew after May 1. Those who renewed prior to May 1 were eligible for a one-time, pro-rated refund for the difference between your current policy and the new, cheaper Enhanced Care rate for whatever remained on your policy beyond May 1. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>Enhanced Care rebates are issued in three different ways: \u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Col>\r\n\u003Cli aria-level=\"1\">Those who paid for insurance through a payment plan receive the rebate in the form of adjustments to your monthly payments, which will be lower.\u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cli aria-level=\"1\">If you paid via credit card, you get a refunded amount credited back to you. \u003C/li>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cli aria-level=\"1\">If your credit card expired or you paid by some other method, you will see a cheque arrive in the mail. If you want the refund sent directly to your bank account, you need to set up \u003Ca href=\"https://www.icbc.com/insurance/buy-renew-cancel/Pages/set-up-direct-deposit.aspx\">direct deposit\u003C/a>. \u003C/li>\r\n\u003C/ol>\r\n\u003Ch2>\u003Cstrong>Is the Enhanced Care rebate different from the COVID-19 rebate?\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>The Enhanced Care rebate is different from the COVID-19 rebate, and the ICBC announced two pandemic-related rebates; one in March and one in July. \r\n\u003Ch3>March 2021 COVID-19 rebates\u003C/h3>\r\nThe first COVID-19 rebate was for customers who had an active policy between April 2020 and September 2020 – the height of the pandemic lockdowns. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>It’s no surprise that with travel restrictions and work from home policies in effect, there was a significant reduction in crashes due to fewer people on the roads. That meant fewer claims for ICBC to pay. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>This savings was passed on to the customer with rebate cheques sent out in the spring. The average rebate was $190 – approximately 19% of the premium customers paid during that six-month stretch. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch3>July 2021 COVID-19 rebates\u003C/h3>\r\n\u003Cp>In June, \u003Ca href=\"https://www.icbc.com/about-icbc/contact-us/Pages/covid-19.aspx\">ICBC announced\u003C/a> that it will be issuing a second pandemic-related savings rebate averaging $120 per policy in mid-July. Three million drivers will receive the $120 amount – approximately 11% of the premium customers paid during the six-month period. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>ICBC says that most drivers with active policies from Oct. 1 2020 to March 31 2021 will be eligible for the rebate. Rebates will come in the form of credit card refunds, cheques, or direct deposit.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Save on your next car purchase\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>Now that insurance rates are coming down, it could mean more money in your pocket for buying that car you’ve been thinking about. And if you buy your next car online, you can save even more because you can \u003Cstrong>skip the dealership fees \u003C/strong>altogether. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Canada Drives has launched 100% online car shopping with its state-of-the-art online showroom filled with hundreds of certified vehicles. Choose your perfect ride today, get it delivered to your doorstep, and take 7 days to test-own your car! If you don’t love it for any reason, we’ll take it back and either refund your money or help you find something that’s a better fit. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>\u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/?SID2=blog-car-guide-icbc-insurance-rebates-and-rate-cuts\">Shop online today!\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cscript type=\"application/ld+json\"> \r\n[ \r\n{\"@context\": \"http://schema.org\",\r\n\"@type\": \"NewsArticle\",\r\n\"mainEntityOfPage\": \r\n{\"@type\": \"WebPage\",\r\n\"@id\": \"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/news/icbc-insurance-rebates-and-rate-cuts\"},\r\n\"headline\": \"How Much of an Insurance Rate Cut Are B.C. Drivers Getting in 2021? \",\r\n\"image\": [\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/3/604baae1c2d4c.jpg\"],\r\n\"datePublished\": \"2021-03-12\",\r\n\"dateModified\": \"2021-03-12\",\r\n\"publisher\": \r\n{\r\n\"@type\": \"Organization\",\r\n\"name\": \"Canada Drives\",\r\n\"logo\": \r\n{\"@type\": \"ImageObject\",\r\n\"url\": \"https://www.canadadrives.ca/images/logos/canada-drives-og.jpg\"}},\r\n\"author\": \r\n{\"@type\": \"Organization\",\"name\": \"Canada Drives\"},\r\n\"description\": \"Canada Drives is the largest 100% online car-shopping platform in Canada. Shop hundreds of certified used vehicles and have yours delivered to your door.\"} ] \r\n\u003C/script>","2021-06-13","/uploads/2021/3/604bdfa733c73.jpg","/uploads/2021/3/604bdfa804e11.jpg","/uploads/2021/3/604bdfa82c741.jpg","/uploads/2021/3/604bdfa873a48.jpg","ICBC insurance","How Much of an Insurance Rate Cut Are B.C. Drivers Getting in 2021? | Canada Drives","B.C. drivers are getting some ICBC insurance rebates & rate cuts in 2021. Find out how much you'll save and when it's all happening... ","2021-03-12 13:39:52","Jun 13, 2021","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/3/604bdfa873a48.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/3/604bdfa82c741.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/3/604bdfa733c73.jpg",{"id":232,"testimonial_id":13,"score":13,"url":233,"title":234,"quote":235,"body":236,"amp_body":13,"amp_verified":13,"publish_at":237,"img_thumb":238,"img_small":239,"img_medium":240,"img_large":241,"alt_text":242,"image_source":82,"seo_title":243,"seo_description":244,"seo_keywords":84,"type_id":6,"category_id":47,"user_id":85,"author":85,"deleted_at":13,"created_at":245,"updated_at":246,"category_url":50,"category_name":48,"publish_date":247,"img_large_src":248,"img_medium_src":249,"img_thumb_src":250},1232,"canada-drives-launches-online-car-sales-in-ontario","Canada Drives Celebrates the Launch of 100% Online Car Sales in Ontario","It’s great to support local restaurants by ordering online and getting it delivered straight to your door, but what about getting a car delivered?","\u003Cp>Car shopping just got a lot easier in Ontario as Canada Drives launches its online vehicle purchasing and delivery platform in the country’s most populous province. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Initially launching in British Columbia (where the company is headquartered), car buyers in Ontario can now also visit Canada Drives to buy a vehicle 100% online. That means you can select your perfect ride from hundreds of vehicles in a state-of-the-art online showroom, pay or arrange to finance, sign the paperwork, and book as-soon-as-same-day delivery—all from the comfort of your home.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>The \u003Ca href=\"https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/canada-drives-canada-largest-100-100000513.html\" target=\"_blank\">recent announcement\u003C/a> that Canada Drives has entered the Ontario market makes it the nation’s largest online vehicle retailer with over 1,000 certified cars, trucks, SUVs, and minivans; all gently used, low-mileage vehicles that have been meticulously reconditioned. Every Canada Drives vehicle has passed a rigorous 150-point inspection, and car shoppers can perform quick-and-comprehensive vehicle background checks right there on the page with CARFAX history and inspection reports just a click away.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Car shopping without the stress\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cimg class=\"lozad\" data-src=\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/5/60afb5079ea48.jpg\" alt=\"Canada Drives vehicle delivery\"/>\r\n\u003Cp>The shift to online car sales means that customers can now casually browse hundreds of vehicles in a no-pressure, no-hassle environment. Car buyers will also enjoy “best-price-first” pricing, so you can feel confident you’re always getting the best deal regardless of your negotiation skills. In recognition of its fair and competitive pricing strategy, Canada Drives has already picked up the Best Priced Dealer Award for 2021 from autoTRADER.ca.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>And once you settle on a car you like, you don’t even have to worry about picking up your new vehicle; Canada Drives will deliver it to your door. That’s what sets Canada Drives apart from other dealerships claiming to sell vehicles online: \u003Cstrong>it really is\u003C/strong> \u003Cstrong>100% online car shopping\u003C/strong>. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>With a fleet of delivery trucks and premium enclosed trailers now operating in both BC and Ontario, you can simply book a time that best fits your schedule and your new car will arrive as soon as the day you place your order. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Love it or return it\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cimg class=\"lozad\" data-src=\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/5/60afb509b6ef9.jpg\" alt=\"Canada Drives vehicle delivery\"/>\r\n\u003Cp>After the vehicle has been delivered, the 7-day ‘Love it or Return it’ guarantee means you can change your mind after you’ve had a chance to drive the car for a few days. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>In contrast to the traditional test drive where the salesperson gives you 15 or 20 minutes to drive around the block and hurry back, Canada Drives offers a ‘\u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/car-guide/test-drive-vs-test-own\">test own\u003C/a>’ experience. When you test-own a vehicle you get seven days to decide whether it’s the right fit for you. It means you can drive the car on all your usual routes; to work, to the gym, and to the grocery store. Try it out on city and highway routes. You can even take it to a mechanic for inspection. If you change your mind, you can return it with no questions asked.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>With that kind of guarantee (as well as included warranty coverage), it’s hard to make a mistake with online car shopping.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Delivery done right\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cimg class=\"lozad\" data-src=\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/5/60afb50b6aa34.jpg\" alt=\"Canada Drives vehicle delivery\"/>\r\n\u003Cp>Making it possible to buy a car in just a few clicks, Canada Drives has also made giving back to an essential worker just as easy. To celebrate its national launch of online vehicle purchasing and delivery, Canada Drives partnered with DoorDash to create a campaign that pays tribute not only to Canadian frontline workers who clock in every day despite the risk to their own health but also to those who are doing their part by staying home.\u003C/p>\r\n\u003Cp>Between Friday, May 28 and Sunday, May 30, 500 lucky Canadians who order through DoorDash will have their meal delivered with everything they need for the perfect pandemic picnic and will also be able to send an essential worker in their life a DoorDash gift card, compliments of Canada Drives. \u003C/p>\r\n\u003Ch2>Shop confidently with Canada Drives\u003C/h2>\r\n\u003Cp>If you’re in British Columbia or Ontario, you can \u003Ca href=\"https://www.canadadrives.ca/?SID2=blog-news-canada-drives-launches-online-car-sales-in-ontario\">start shopping\u003C/a> for your perfect ride right now. Search hundreds of vehicles, pay or arrange financing, sign paperwork, and book delivery—all from the comfort of home (or wherever there’s an internet connection). You could be driving your new car as soon as today!\u003C/p>\r\n\r\n\u003Cscript type=\"application/ld+json\"> \r\n[ \r\n{\"@context\": \"http://schema.org\",\r\n\"@type\": \"NewsArticle\",\r\n\"mainEntityOfPage\": \r\n{\"@type\": \"WebPage\",\r\n\"@id\": \"https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/news/canada-drives-launches-online-car-sales-in-ontario\"},\r\n\"headline\": \"Canada Drives Celebrates the Launch of 100% Online Car Sales in Ontario\",\r\n\"image\": [\"https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/5/60afb50d53f8e.jpg\"],\r\n\"datePublished\": \"2021-05-27\",\r\n\"dateModified\": \"2021-05-27\",\r\n\"publisher\": \r\n{\r\n\"@type\": \"Organization\",\r\n\"name\": \"Canada Drives\",\r\n\"logo\": \r\n{\"@type\": \"ImageObject\",\r\n\"url\": \"https://www.canadadrives.ca/images/logos/canada-drives-og.jpg\"}},\r\n\"author\": \r\n{\"@type\": \"Organization\",\"name\": \"Canada Drives\"},\r\n\"description\": \"Canada Drives is the largest 100% online car-shopping platform in Canada. Shop hundreds of certified used vehicles and have yours delivered to your door.\"} ] \r\n\u003C/script>","2021-05-27","/uploads/2021/5/60afbc3464aa6.jpg","/uploads/2021/5/60afbc353baef.jpg","/uploads/2021/5/60afbc358253c.jpg","/uploads/2021/5/60afbc35ecbc8.jpg","Ontario customer receives vehicle purchased from and delivered by Canada Drives","Canada Drives Celebrates the Launch of 100% Online Car Sales in Ontario | Canada Drives","Canada Drives 100% online car sales has launched in Ontario! To celebrate, the company has partnered with DoorDash to surprise & delight essential workers!","2021-05-27 08:35:18","2021-12-17 15:08:38","May 27, 2021","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/5/60afbc35ecbc8.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/5/60afbc358253c.jpg","https://cms-blog-uploads-354387082548.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/5/60afbc3464aa6.jpg",["Reactive",252],{"$snavigation":253,"$ssite-config":310},[254,259,262,284],{"title":255,"href":256,"rel":257,"getDynamicHref":258},"Get Pre-Approved","https://apply.canadadrives.ca?start=1&SID2=cdoop","nofollow",true,{"title":260,"href":261},"Sell My Car","/sell-my-car",{"title":263,"cardStyles":264,"desktopVisible":265,"hideBorder":265,"menu":266},"Why Canada Drives","why-cd-card",false,[267],{"links":268},[269,274,279],{"title":270,"text":271,"href":272,"icon":273},"How It Works","The easiest way to buy or sell a car","/how-it-works","/svg/nav/cogs.svg",{"title":275,"text":276,"href":277,"icon":278},"Inventory","Get access to the widest selection of vehicles in Canada","/inventory","/svg/nav/car-front.svg",{"title":280,"text":281,"href":282,"icon":283},"Customer Reviews","See why Canada Drives is Canada’s favourite way to buy or sell a car","/reviews","/svg/nav/star.svg",{"title":285,"cardStyles":286,"desktopVisible":265,"hideBorder":265,"menu":287},"Resources","resources-card",[288],{"links":289},[290,295,300,305],{"title":291,"text":292,"href":293,"icon":294},"Research","Stay up to date with the latest auto news, reviews and buying tips","/blog","/svg/nav/lightbulb.svg",{"title":296,"text":297,"href":298,"prefetch":258,"icon":299},"Newsroom","Read news articles about Canada Drives and access our media kit","/newsroom","/svg/nav/newspaper.svg",{"title":301,"text":302,"href":303,"icon":304},"Understanding Car Loans","Learn everything you will ever want to know about car loans","/understanding-car-loans","/svg/nav/dollar-sign.svg",{"title":306,"text":307,"href":308,"icon":309},"Car Loan Calculator","Quickly and simply calculate your potential car loan payments","/car-loan-calculator","/svg/nav/calculator.svg",{"_priority":311,"description":314,"env":315,"name":316},{"name":312,"env":313,"description":312},-10,-15,"Canada Drives Website (Nuxt)","production","canadadrives-website",["Set"],["ShallowReactive",319],{"ItRHm2Km78":-1},"/blog/news",{"bbStore":322},{"ConnectionType":323,"fbclid":13,"gclid":13,"isLiveChatLoaded":265,"trackingParams":84,"ttclid":13,"utmCampaign":13,"utmContent":13,"utmMedium":13,"utmSource":13,"utmTerm":13},"unknown connection type"]