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How to Stop Engine Problems Before They Happen
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How to Stop Engine Problems Before They Happen

Typical causes of engine difficulties could range anywhere from poor maintenance to excessive overheating

When your car is having mechanical issues, it can be difficult to detect where the root of the problem is coming from. Each part of your car’s system reacts differently to complications, and warning signs for a damaged engine can be easily missed if you don’t know the features of a healthy one. Regular vehicle tune-ups will help keep your engine running smoothly. However, nobody can predict a sudden breakdown.

If your car is experiencing the following engine malfunctions, it could mean that it’s time for a replacement:

Lots of Noise

If you hear a low-pitched, knocking sound when you start your car, it typically means that there’s a jam in your engine’s combustion flow. It could also mean that it’s time for an oil change or you may have to replace your spark plugs. Regardless of the issue, if you hear a strange noise coming from your car, take preventative measures and bring it into your mechanic for a full diagnosis.

Engine Light

The engine light in your car was designed to alert you of any engine trouble. A sparked engine light can mean anything from a loose gas cap to low oil pressure. If you notice that your engine light is on and isn’t turning off, it might be time to get your car professionally looked at.

If the engine light starts flashing while you’re driving, this could be an indication of something more serious, and it’s your car’s way of saying “stop driving and pull over”. Being able to decode your dashboard will ensure that you’re familiar with each piece of your vehicle’s system, and taking precaution to reduce the risk of engine failure will keep you safe as well.


Frequent stalling on a car with automatic transmission is a rarity and could imply that there is a problem with your vehicle’s engine. If your engine doesn’t respond immediately when you press the gas pedal, it could also indicate that there are other potential issues like ignition problems or clogged air filters. If your car has stalled more than once, get your system checked before anything worse happens.

Typical causes of engine difficulties could range anywhere from poor maintenance to excessive overheating. Any sign of erratic behavior with your car is a sign that you should bring it in to be looked by a professional – routine inspection is a great way to stay up-to-date with its operational system.

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