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3 Emergency Car Kit Essentials
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3 Emergency Car Kit Essentials

From a popped tire to a dead battery, one in three drivers have experienced a car malfunction on the road.

Although your vehicle may appear to be in perfect condition, mechanical problems can occur suddenly at any moment. From a popped tire to a dead battery, one in three drivers have experienced a car malfunction on the road. Keeping an emergency car kit in your vehicle will come in handy if you ever encounter a roadside breakdown, especially if you’re in an unfamiliar area with no cell-phone service.

Even though it’s easy to buy a pre-made kit, assembling one at home will save you money and ensure that your family has the essentials that they need. Here are our top three suggestions for what you should pack in your emergency car kit:

Fire Extinguisher

It might not seem like a necessary investment, however keeping an easily accessible fire extinguisher in your car could help prevent you from encountering serious fire related accidents on the road. Not to mention, they’re compact and can be bought from your local hardware store at a reasonable price. When purchasing a fire extinguisher, make sure that it is rated Class B (for compostable liquids like gasoline and diesel fuel) or Class C (for fires involving electrical equipment like panel boxes and batteries) and ensure that it isn’t water-based. A water-based extinguisher will make the fire bigger, cause excess damage to your vehicle and put you in danger.

Jumper Cables

Jumper cables are efficient tools to keep in your car if you’re ever stuck on the side of the road with a dead battery. With the assistance from another vehicle, the cables will connect the power needed to recharge your battery and re-boot your engine. It’s important to review your vehicle’s manual and follow its step-by-step guidelines in order to avoid possible mishaps that could cause battery explosion or injury. Jumper cables could save you a lot of time waiting around for roadside assistance, however after boosting a discharged battery it’s extremely important to head straight to the closest mechanic to have it replaced!

First Aid Kit

Whether it’s a small cut or a serious injury, carrying supplies like band-aids, gauze pads, pain killers and antiseptic in your vehicle is a smart idea. Regardless if the injury is minor or serious, keeping a first aid kit in your vehicle will help deter pain until emergency roadside assistance arrives. Additionally, keeping water and a blanket in your trunk will be of great use if you ever find yourself needing a break from driving or feel like you may have gotten lost.

Your number one priority when driving is staying safe on the road, and taking the preventative measures necessary starts with lots of preparation and these three useful investments.

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