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How to Register a Car in Ontario

Registering your car in Ontario, Canada is a legal requirement governed by the provincial government. In this article we will answer common questions Canadians often have about completing their vehicle registration, including reviewing the full process of registering a new or used car from start to finish.

If you are purchasing a new or used vehicle from a dealership the dealership will usually take care of the registration details for you, but if you are purchasing a used car privately you will be responsible for handling the registration process yourself. In Ontario, if you purchase a used vehicle you will need to register it within 6 days of the sale.

To start, let's review why registering a motor vehicle is so important:

Identification and Ownership: Registering your car provides official documentation that you are the legal owner of the vehicle. This is important for various legal and administrative purposes.

Road Safety and Accountability: Registration ensures that vehicles on the road meet certain safety standards. It also holds owners accountable for their vehicles, as they can be identified through registration in case of accidents, violations, or other incidents.

Taxation and Revenue: Registration fees contribute to government revenue, which is often used for road maintenance, infrastructure development, and other public services related to transportation.

Insurance Requirements: Vehicle registration is linked to insurance requirements in ensuring all vehicles on the road have proper insurance coverage.

Vehicle History and Traceability: Registration creates a record of the vehicle's history, including ownership changes, liens, and other important information. This can be valuable when purchasing or selling a used vehicle.

Enforcement of Regulations: Registration allows authorities to enforce various regulations, such as emissions standards, vehicle recalls, and other legal requirements related to vehicle operation.

Public Safety and Security: Registration helps law enforcement agencies identify stolen vehicles and combat illegal activities such as vehicle theft, fraud, and smuggling.

How to register a vehicle in Ontario:

Step 1. Gather Required Documents:

  • Proof of Vehicle Ownership: You'll need the vehicle's ownership document, which could be a vehicle registration permit, bill of sale, or lease agreement.
  • Valid Identification: Bring your Ontario driver's licence or other government-issued photo identification or RIN (Registrant Identification Number).
  • Proof of Insurance: Provide proof of valid auto insurance coverage from a licensed insurer in Ontario.
  • For used vehicles you will need the completed used vehicle information package
  • For used vehicles you will need the original vehicle permit from the seller with the transfer portion completed.
  • If you are using a plate you already have you will need to provide the license plate portion of the permit.

Step 2. Visit a ServiceOntario Centre to Complete the Vehicle Registration Form and Pay the Registration Fees: 

  • Locate a ServiceOntario centre near you. These centres handle vehicle registrations and other government services.
  • Bring all required documents to the ServiceOntario centre.
  • Fill out the vehicle registration application form provided by the ServiceOntario centre. Provide accurate information about the vehicle, including its make, model, year, and vehicle identification number (VIN).
  • Pay the registration fee. 

Step 3. Receive Registration Documents and License Plates:

  • You will receive a Vehicle Registration Permit that includes details such as the vehicle identification number (VIN), vehicle permit number, license plate number, expiration date, and registered owner.
  • You will also receive your new license plates if necessary.

Step 4. Install Licence Plate:

  • Securely install your licence plate to your vehicle, making sure it is always visible. 
  • Keep your vehicle registration permit in the vehicle at all times. 

How much does it cost to register a vehicle in Ontario?

The vehicle permit on its own costs $32. If you need a new (or a replacement) licence plate with a permit it will cost $59. 

How to register a vehicle from outside of Canada:

If you are importing a vehicle into Ontario from another country there are a few additional steps you will need to complete.

In addition to the general registration requirements listed above you will need to fill out the customs clearance Vehicle Import Form 1 which you can get on the Canada Border Service Website. Be sure to include your vehicle in the list of imported goods. 

How to register a vehicle from another province:

If you are registering a vehicle in Ontario that has previously been registered in another province or territory you will need to get a safety standards inspection and certificate. You can get the vehicle inspected at any inspection station in Ontario that is licensed by the Ministry of Transportation.

Once you have your safety standards certificate you can follow the general certification requirements listed above. You will need to provide proof of identity that includes name, date of birth, and signature when registering for the first time with your driver’s license or registrant identification number.

In most cases you will also have to pay retail sales tax or HST at 13% when registering a car in Ontario from a different province. 


By following these steps, you can successfully register a vehicle in Ontario and legally operate it on the province's roads. Make sure to comply with all provincial regulations and requirements throughout the registration process.

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